Now I am doubly awed. Your poetry is lovely, Marion.
Keep this two may give me the courage to post a couple of my children's stories.
i've enjoyed frenchy's poems so much, i thought since this forum seems to have hit a lull, i might share one that i wrote several years ago when my 17 year old son left home (and the "truth") - and broke my heart.. he is a very bright and introspective young man, a poet heavily into dylan, lennon, and all those anti-establishment heroes of oddly enough my generation.
minstrel song.
where are you now, o minstrel son -.
Now I am doubly awed. Your poetry is lovely, Marion.
Keep this two may give me the courage to post a couple of my children's stories.
7, going riding? That's great. By all means bring a treat for the horse. Those poor stable horses get yanked around a lot by newbies. I know they would appreciate something nice.
All horses like apples and carrots. Some like peppermints, Coke, oranges, and pears. Bring an apple and a couple of carrots....they'll love you for it.
page 12 of the january 1, 1989 wt magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
i take this as subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d., or should have come by now.. i find it interesting that the bound volume reprint has the wording changed to read, " a work that would be completed in our day.".
does anyone know why the change?
Well Frenchy, it's obvious that you need to get your eyes checked. You COULDN'T have seen that in the magazine. Obviously, someone sneaked that comment in before they could pull it off the presses. Aren't you aware of the process of publishing?
Since Friend doesn't seem to be posting much lately, I thought I would try to fill in for him. Sorry, I can't do's too ridiculous.
this link has a scan of a printed by the society brochure planned giving to benefit the kingdom.
the faithful and discreet slave has a fund to enable us to contribute stocks and saving to the kingdom preaching work whilst both we and them enjoytaxation benefits.or if we want to bequest our properties etc to the preaching work via this fund.
we can get it out before hand if we want too.
On another board, someone mentioned that they had called Circuit Leasing to inquire about the cars and the key chain. It's a legitimate site.
ok frenchy, you asked for it you got it!.
my pet issue is the conscience thing.
just whos' conscience are they talking about when they us this phrase "it's a conscience issue"?.
At there have been discussions about voting and blood.
While it has been acknowledged that these are indeed conscience matters, the comments have been made that a "mature Christian" would understand that the Society was merely placating worldly authorities by making these issues a matter of conscience.
They stated that in this way, the Society could avoid bad publicity from the world. However, a "mature Christian" would understand that nothing had changed. Voting was NOT for Christians, nor was the taking of blood. Anyone doing these things would be marked and no privileges would be extended to them.
It's rather like the "only JW's will survive Armaggedon" issue. Since these rulings have come out, a JW can truthfully say that their religion does not forbid voting, nor does it forbid a blood transfusion. This sounds much better to a worldly audience.....however, internally, nothing has changed.
Once again, the Society shows more concern for how they look to "the world" than the "sheep" they are looking after for Jesus and Jehovah.
if you see me cry .
if you see me cry, just walk away, .
leave me be and don't ask me why.
There are times that I wonder why certain things have occurred in my life. There have been times when I have prayed for insanity so that I would no longer have to deal with things.
However, as time goes on, I can see that in many cases my experiences can be used to help someone else who is living through something similar, and that gives me a sense of peace.
There are many people here who have suffered intensely. I applaud you all for your bravery, and I know that God will help you make it through.
On the recommendation of several people at work, I checked these out and read excerpts from several chapters. I got several of the books, but I haven't had a chance to complete reading them, though.
They seem to be fascinating. I know that many advise caution because the books deal with wizardry and such....but I DO love fantasy stories.
the following could be used to pass the time if one should ever find oneself stuck in an elevator[lift-to you simon] with friend[just kidding].. star chambers.
luckily, there are four star dressing rooms at the.
variety theatre, because this week's show has four big stars.
ANDDDDD.....they were looking for the solution to Simon's two-room problem. Now THAT one is difficult!!
the following could be used to pass the time if one should ever find oneself stuck in an elevator[lift-to you simon] with friend[just kidding].. star chambers.
luckily, there are four star dressing rooms at the.
variety theatre, because this week's show has four big stars.
You didn't give me enough time. I saw this yesterday and started my little grid. I was planning to finish it tonight. Now you spoiled my fun
7, concerning your request for additional information about Jehovah not looking at membership in an organization.
This point was brought home to me very forcefully at several different times.
I had occasion to meet several groups of people who espoused nothing but a simple faith in God. Some of them belonged to a religious group, others chose to develop a personal relationship with their Creator without benefit of "religion".
These people had formerly been without a sense of spirituality and their lives had taken many bad turns. They eventually reached a point where they could no longer deal with their problems alone, and sought God's help. They received it.
As a JW, I tried to convince myself that the blessings these people received were merely Satan turning himself into an angel of light in order to deceive, but that idea simply did not fit.
The more I investigated this line of thinking, the more evidence I found that Jehovah does not check an organizational membership roll before He responds to His children.