The first time I had read the research concerning the real intent of the men in Sodom and Gomorrah, it was quite an eye-opener, but then the pieces starting falling in place. All of the supposed condemnations of homosexuality, if looked at in the context of the time periods in which they were written are shown to mean something entirely different. Those who want to believe that God condemns homosexuality, however, will refuse to even consider a more logical and correct explanation.
JoinedPosts by RedhorseWoman
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah- What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork inas with most doctrines, the belief that the bible condemns homosexuality is multi-layered and allegedly supported by several scriptures.
when he raised his eyes he got to see the man, the traveler, in the public square of the city.
let me bring them out, please, and you rape them and do to them what is good in your eyes.
Do Witnesses Ever Talk About Their Living Forever And Never Dying?
by minimus inmy 86 year old mother stopped believing she was going into paradise earth without dying first, about 10 years ago.
my aunt used to think she was going to make it through the great tribulation.
even a week before she died, she clung on to this fairy tale.. do you think jws believe they will never die at all and will, in their lifetime, be on a paradise earth to live forever?.
Most of the JWs on other forums that I've seen talk quite a bit about making it into the New System, any day now. Of course, that always tends to be accompanied by the "and YOU are going to die a horrible death at Jehovah's hand." Almost seems as if the wish for the death of "apostates" overrides their hope to make it into paradise.
My screen name has often caused many interesting comments to arise from active JWs, who generally think that my name is derived from the red horse signifying war in the book of Revelation. Alas, t'is nothing so romantic. I have three horses, one of which is a red chestnut Peruvian gelding. He is the Red Horse, and since I am a woman, the last part of my name is self-explanatory.
Redhorsewoman from DriveslikeJehu
by Antioch inhi redhorsewoman,.
i doubt you still log on here but i wanted to try.
i just wanted to thank you for arguing with me all those years ago on beliefnet.
Hi daCheech,
I remember you from the Profind forum. After it had been hacked and then re-established, most of the people went to Topix, so that was where I ended up. Do you remember George from Profind? She followed me to Topix and now posts there as Eagleeye2, but she is still the same troublemaker that she was on Profind. Ah, the good old days!!
Redhorsewoman from DriveslikeJehu
by Antioch inhi redhorsewoman,.
i doubt you still log on here but i wanted to try.
i just wanted to thank you for arguing with me all those years ago on beliefnet.
Okay, so DrivesLikeJehu found me over on Topix. Somehow, despite my not coming here for ages (mainly because it got so busy I simply couldn't keep up with everything and manage to get more than 2 hours sleep a night) I did remember my password. Reading the verification stuff was not that great, though.
The news he gave me on the Topix PM was just too good to pass up, so I had to come here to offer my congratulations. Seems that anyone who really wants to research in order to build strong JW arguments tends to end up discovering that the "Truth" is not really the truth.
Hope all are well!
Are the JW's persecuted in any way?
by JH in.
jesus said that his followers would be persecuted like he was.. so, are the jw's more persecuted than any other religions, and if so why?
Are they persecuted because they are the "true" religion, or do SOME JWs get persecuted along with many other individuals of many other smaller religious sects simply because they quite fit in with the mainstream?
I don't believe I have ever seen evidence of JWs being persecuted EVERYWHERE and as a GROUP simply because they are the "true" religion. In fact, in many countries they are absolutely coddled with their rights to free speech taking precedence over the rights of others.
Banned Food
by Nosferatu inthis was influenced by the toy thread, but what were some of the foods, drinks and candy that were banned by the jws (either in writing or hearsay)?.
black forrest ham (coating is made from blood).
red skittles (blood used to make the dye).
Initially, when the blood doctrine first became law, there was a rumor going around that many types of candy contained lecithin derived from blood. Lecithin derived from plants is present in most types of candy, but the JWs were going nuts reading candy labels and stoutly refusing to eat any candy containing lecithin for fear that it might be made from blood.
Connected to this, although it wasn't a people food, was the counsel from the Society to avoid any pet food that had any sort of blood meal, and fertilizer with blood meal was not to be used by JWs. This one always seemed rather strange to me, even as a JW, since the Bible said to pour out the blood on the ground, and that's how fertilizer was used. Go figure. I also used to wonder how we were supposed to prevent our pets from eating any bugs or small creatures containing blood. They certainly didn't carry tiny, little knives with them to properly bleed the mice before eating them.
Super Soakers, Rock Em Sock Em Robots, And Other Innocent Childrens Toys
by ColdRedRain intoday, i was looking for a super soaker on ebay.
my ex girlfriend stole the other one, and i was looking to replace it.
it made me think about the time i was a kid.
Smurfs.....downright demonized they were....and forbidden. This was mainly when my daughter was small. There was a period of time when the game of chess was strongly counseled against, due to it's being representative of war.
Jehovah is keeping my step-daughter from getting a job?
by wordlywife inhi all...... i have heard my dear jw husband say this about his daughter many times over the last month or so.
it kills me to hear this, and that he believes it.
god punishes people by not rewarding them with a job?
Sigh....another of the things that JWs use to prove that whatever happens in a person's life is somehow directly connected to the manner in which they treat their association with the JW organization.
If they are trying to advance in the JWs and things go wrong, then Satan is putting roadblocks in their path to hinder them from "serving Jehovah." If they are not trying to advance in the JWs, then Jehovah is punishing them when things go wrong, or Satan is trying to deceive them if things go right. On the other hand, if they are trying to advance in the JWs and things go right, then Jehovah is blessing them.
If's all mental manipulation and coercion to try to get JWs to conform to what the WTS wants them to do.....carrot and stick.
I think that a lot of your daughter's problem is that she is buying into the whole punishment thing and is probably preventing herself from giving a good impression to potential employers. Perhaps you could suggest that she do some volunteer work in a clerical capacity at a public library, or animal shelter, or any other type of charitable group that she finds appealing. Simply offering her services a couple of hours a week would not put her in a position of feeling that she is trying to make an impression on a prospective employer, but that she is helping others...and it might help to brighten her outlook.
By doing this, she could also hone her clerical skills, and have some actual clerical experience to put on her resume. It would also show prospective employers that she is someone who is willing to pitch in and help out where necessary. It would probably also help her to dispel the guilt that her father is now trying to place on her.
Attitude is everything, and if she goes out looking for a job feeling defeated, then she is lessening her chances of actually getting the job she wants. Another positive about volunteering is that she will probably come in contact with those who could recommend her for a job. Lots of people who do volunteer work also work for companies at a regular job, and they could not only let your daughter know about available opportunities, but they could also serve as a reference for her.
Another "ghostly" experience last night!
by cindykp inok, if any of you have read the other thread about ghosts, you will remember that i dont care too much for them!
just a few minutes ago my daugter told me she had a weird one last night here in the house, where i have never had a problem.
she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and "one "of the holders on the counter that are all made of heavy glass, started shaking back and forth like crazy.
I think that there are a lot of things that we simply don't understand. Could it be Grandpa? Possibly. Perhaps you should ask if it's him. Perhaps he is trying to let you know that there IS something on the other side.
Then, too, it could be a manifestation of your daughter's energy field. There have been cases documented of poltergeist-type activity associated with young people that is actually caused by those young people, but without their actual knowledge of what is occurring.