Hi Ozzygirl,
Nice to see someone else who is new. Wow! This place has really started to come alive.
It's great to be able to discuss concerns and ideas without being labelled. I've always been somewhat of an iconoclast, I guess. I've always felt that I should look into things for myself.
For instance (should I admit this? Oh, well, why not?), when I was a teenager (a loooonnnggg time ago) I thought it would be prudent to understand other people's beliefs so that I could present a better witness to them. Since I had basically grown up in the truth, I knew very little of any other religions. I actually sent away for a Catholic study course. Needless to say, it was an eye opener....I never realized that they had changed the ten commandments. They left out the one about no idols, and split the covet commandment further to make ten.
While that eliminated Catholicism for me, I still find that I need to "know"....to discuss the things that I find troublesome or wrong. A forum such as this is such a breath of fresh air.
It helps, too, to find that everyone here has intelligent opinions and puts much thought into their responses. It's not just bashing, which I find to be a total turnoff.