Well, since killing apostates would be frowned upon, perhaps the WTBTS could just cut out their tongues. (ick)
JoinedPosts by RedhorseWoman
Mediator for Great Crowd?
by waiting insorry no scriptures are quoted, i'm at work - but for all you that are diligent, i'm the owner and i can be on the web when i feel like it!.
i have been reading, a lot.
again, why do we pray through jesus, if he is not our mediator?
by Frenchy inhave you ever longed for something so much that you dared not reach for it lest you realize that it was unattainable?
for as long as you did not actually reach out for it you could always delude yourself into believing that if you really wanted to you could have it.
but once you reached for it and found it unattainable, well then you would lose that precious fantasy.
Frenchy, I was just wondering...have you ever tried submitting any of your poems to a magazine for publication? You have such a gift, you should share it.
I feel great today!
by Dubby infor years i denied myself the thing i loved to do the most to be a good jw.
i love to ride off-road motorcycles.
so, i am going to indulge myself and get a new dirt bike.. i love to see god's creation from the vantage point of a motorcycle on a mountain top.
Now, Dubby, don't tell me that we are going to have to debate this. :)
I ride a gaited horse, which is as smooth as sitting on an easy chair on wheels.
I've smelled dirt bikes (not pleasant), and I've had a motorcyle fall on me (also not pleasant). On the other hand, horses smell sweetly of hay and sweat and give you soft, nuzzly kisses at the end of a ride. They can also move out of your way....unlike a dirt bike, which just rams into you.
We ALL know that horses are much, much better than dirt bikes. :P
Righteous Jehovah's Witnesses
by waiting inlast nite i found a web site which had a group of very straight, righteous jw's.
if any question was dubious, (like most of our group's) these questions were in an isolated section so as not to offend the remaining members.
this was by far the most interesting in questions and comments.. it was the attitude from friends worldwide that was fascinating in a somewhat horrible way.
I read that thread. I found myself wanting to just shake a couple of those people. They were so tied into making the elders look good that they missed the whole point of that sister's pain.
Saving them for what?
by Ozzygal ini find myself lacking in zeal in the door-to-door work.
i have this hidden feeling that these worldly people are better off to face jah's judgement at armageddon with their ignorance intact, rather than to bring them into our fold to struggle daily for worthiness and perhaps be set up for failure.
does anyone else ever think this way?
mgm, I agree with you totally. There have been too many failed prophecies, too many "ironclad" rules that have been twisted and molded over the years so that they bear little resemblance to the original. Too many cries of "you all misinterpreted what we said. YOU, YOU are all wrong.....WE are correct, again!"
Too many lives lived in despair because EVERYTHING was considered to be a lack of spiritual activity rather than an emotional, mental, or physical condition that could have benefited from treatment.
Too many women and children emotionally, sexually, and physically abused because of trying to follow the WTBTS counsel to be in subjection to the "man".
Too many elderly forced to live in near poverty conditions because they gave everything they had to the "truth" in their younger years and who now find that there is nothing for them in their "golden years", while the GB lives in opulence in their retirement center paid for by the labor of dedicated Christians.
I could go on with many more abuses, but the point is that people are finally starting to think. Vehicles such as the Internet are allowing all of us to "compare notes" so to speak.
The veil has lifted, and knowledge will eventually win. -
Preacher Jimmy Swaggart and JW Lawyers
by waiting inin the supreme court of the united states, october tenth, 1988, case no.
88-1374, filed on june 22, 1988, clerk joseph f. spanol, jr.. on that date and file number, the attoreny james m. mccabe,and donald t. ridley, 25 colombia heights, brooklyn, ny 11251 (718)606-4993, attorneys for amicus curiae, watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. filed a "friends of the court" brief on the behalf of the famous preacher, jimmy swaggart and his ministries.. why would the watchtower society, direct channel for jehovah's holy spirt, which also godly hates babylon the great, which also christiandom is the largest part, go into the supreme court of the united states and file a legal brief to help jimmy swaggart's ministries in his trial which was case no.
88-1374: jimmy swaggart ministries, appelant vs. board of equalization of california, appeller?.
I take issue with the WTBTS in that for years the criticism of other religions was hot and heavy in the area of wealth and ostentatiousness.
The Catholic Church was criticized for being wealthy and for owning property and businesses outside the Church itself.
Pretty much any religious organization that was rich (and that includes most) were in the sights of the WTBTS big guns.
"Pay unto Caesar what is Caesar's" was almost a rallying cry. Look at these other churches, hiding behind the tax shelter of religion to run their enterprises.
Well, well, well....the worm has turned, and so many total devotees of the WTBTS defend Mother by saying that it is only good business to avoid paying taxes. It is only good business to run rental car sales companies, and fire extinguisher companies, and whatever else company it can use to increase it's wealth.
Why, look at the Patterson complex! Ostentatious, you say? Why, this only shows how Jehovah has blessed us! But just LOOK at that fancy Catholic church down the street with it's stained glass windows and fancy architecture. Just like a painted harlot. Look how Satan flaunts himself by means of his mistress, the Catholic Church.
Give me a break!!!! The WTBTS is doing what every other religion has been doing for years. The only reason they didn't flaunt riches before was because the little slaves hadn't done enough magazine pushing!!!
Sorry for the tirade....I think you can tell this ticks me off.
Mediator for Great Crowd?
by waiting insorry no scriptures are quoted, i'm at work - but for all you that are diligent, i'm the owner and i can be on the web when i feel like it!.
i have been reading, a lot.
again, why do we pray through jesus, if he is not our mediator?
Sorting through possessions? Ugh! Now THAT is really creepy.
I had visited one site quite some time ago, where someone was pontificating on how much he was looking forward to the destruction of the wicked. He was eager to see the piles of dead bodies.
I reminded him that the Bible states that even Jehovah regrets the destruction of any wicked one...it makes Him sad. I also told this cretin that I thought he would probably have done quite well in a Nazi concentration camp.
I'm trying to remember where I read this quote, but even the Society gets pretty bloodthirsty. In one of the publications (and I wish I could remember which one) the point was made that the only reason df'd people are shunned is because modern governments would not allow the WTBTS to execute those judged as wrongdoers. After all, in ancient Israel, wrongdoers were stoned to death.
JW and XJW DB's , Bible Conscience and Truth.
by spectromize ini would just like to point out that when i first bought my computer and connected to the internet, the first words i typed in my browser were jehovah, jehovah's witnesses, watchtower.... i must say, i was quite amazed to see so many websites that were for and against us.
my curiosity got the better of me and started reading sites such as watchtower.org ,witnesses.net,watchtower observer, h20, freeminds...ect.. did it bother me to read opposing materials or websites?
as i mentioned in another thread i have spent many years training myself a conscience trained to what the bible and the society's publication have encouraged us to do.. again coming back to the question, did it bother me reading all this opposing stuff?
yep...and they did it ASAP....definitely not on the QT LOL
Mediator for Great Crowd?
by waiting insorry no scriptures are quoted, i'm at work - but for all you that are diligent, i'm the owner and i can be on the web when i feel like it!.
i have been reading, a lot.
again, why do we pray through jesus, if he is not our mediator?
I've visited a couple of those, also. For the most part, they are totally boring with the majority of posts dealing with "Your Favorite Color", or "How many carrion birds will it take to clean up YOUR neighborhood after Armageddon?".
JW and XJW DB's , Bible Conscience and Truth.
by spectromize ini would just like to point out that when i first bought my computer and connected to the internet, the first words i typed in my browser were jehovah, jehovah's witnesses, watchtower.... i must say, i was quite amazed to see so many websites that were for and against us.
my curiosity got the better of me and started reading sites such as watchtower.org ,witnesses.net,watchtower observer, h20, freeminds...ect.. did it bother me to read opposing materials or websites?
as i mentioned in another thread i have spent many years training myself a conscience trained to what the bible and the society's publication have encouraged us to do.. again coming back to the question, did it bother me reading all this opposing stuff?
Actually, Waiting, I don't think they've had that spray around for quite a while. They found that such sprays were harmful to your health, so unlike the FDS in Brooklyn, it was discontinued.
Both forms of FDS gave you a feeling of security....the deoderant spray smelled better, though.