Oops, how could I forget....
Black Beauty
The Horse Whisperer
what does this have to do with being a jehovah's witness?
nothing.. the greatest movies ever made.
1. the godfather.
Oops, how could I forget....
Black Beauty
The Horse Whisperer
what does this have to do with being a jehovah's witness?
nothing.. the greatest movies ever made.
1. the godfather.
Dragonslayer (okay, no one ever heard of it, but I liked it.
The Black Stallion
Pharlap (about another horse...true story)
The Man From Snowy River
Okay, okay, I like horses. :)
i am the great and powerful oz!!
if i only had a brain, a heart, the courage and pair of ruby slippers i know i could find what i'm looking for.. this flick terrified me as a child now it reminds me of the society-pay no attention to the man behind the curtin.
Sad, but true. And how small and ineffectual that man is when we finally take a look.
on h20, someone commented on this movie as an insight on how we, as jw's look at the world and the problems of trying to change that looking.. i had seen the movie last year - i thought it was going to be a comedy - it wasn't.
but i didn't tie anything to it.
naturally, i didn't apply it to myself.. but this guy is right - i'm going to watch it again.
I saw the movie some time ago, and if I remember correctly, I DID relate it to life as a JW. Don't ask, don't question, don't extend the boundaries of the familiar. If you do....there's no going back.
i find myself lacking in zeal in the door-to-door work.
i have this hidden feeling that these worldly people are better off to face jah's judgement at armageddon with their ignorance intact, rather than to bring them into our fold to struggle daily for worthiness and perhaps be set up for failure.
does anyone else ever think this way?
This is one point that has grated on me for years. The WT always points out how there is so much love amongst the brothers, and that this proves that JW's are the only true religion.
My experience has always been that the love is not only conditional, based on one's actions, but it is also reserved for those who inhabit the cliques in the congregations. Most of the cliques I have experienced are based, not on spirituality, but rather on money and social status.
There are some who exhibit this Christian love, but as you pointed out, Seven, it seems to be exhibited mainly by those who are presumed to be spiritually weak.
The spiritually weak are also those who tend to place less emphasis on "magazine pushing" and more emphasis on exhibiting Godly qualities. Hmmm....is this indicative of something, do you think?
i find myself lacking in zeal in the door-to-door work.
i have this hidden feeling that these worldly people are better off to face jah's judgement at armageddon with their ignorance intact, rather than to bring them into our fold to struggle daily for worthiness and perhaps be set up for failure.
does anyone else ever think this way?
Martini, I agree with you 100 percent. I have always had a difficult time going door to door. I have always been much better in the chance encounter category.
Of late I have stopped berating myself for my lack in door-to-door preaching skills. I find it much more beneficial to "do" rather than to preach.
I feel that even a simple act of cultivating a garden or rehabilitating an abused or abandoned animal gives more praise to Jehovah than any amount of hours spent door to door.
i've picked up a little about each of us on the db, but we're a reclusive little group, aren't we?.
well, my picture won't be going up any time soon, but i'll put out some personal information and hopefully others will too.
makes chatting more fun, don't you think?.
Okay, here goes. I live in New England, have been married for 25 years, and have one daughter, 22.
I enjoy writing children's stories (none published so far....maybe someday), various crafts, reading, websurfing, and taking care of my animals.
I have three horses...a Thoroughbred (my daughter's, actually), a grade horse (my husband's), and a Peruvian Paso (who is responsible for my DB name).
We also have three dogs--a 20-lb Pomeranian (Pomasaurus), a Cairn terrier, and a Welsh Corgi. Six finches, two chinchillas, and goldfish. Then there are the eight cats, three of which were recently ferals that I've socialized. All of them have personality plus! :)
A picture any time soon is probably unlikely, since I'm usually the one behind the camera.
i find myself lacking in zeal in the door-to-door work.
i have this hidden feeling that these worldly people are better off to face jah's judgement at armageddon with their ignorance intact, rather than to bring them into our fold to struggle daily for worthiness and perhaps be set up for failure.
does anyone else ever think this way?
Seven, I applaud you for coming to the aid of this sister.
When my Mom was in a nursing home (she had been a faithful Witness for over 40 years), I asked the brothers in her home congregation and also the brothers in the congregation nearest the nursing home to visit her. I could spend time with her only on the weekends, and being a Witness, she was unable to participate in a lot of the activities (holidays and such).
No one ever came. She got a few cards in the beginning, which she really loved, but they quickly stopped.
I could have also used some help. I had my own family to deal with, plus a full-time job. Then I had added to it my Mom's place and all her financial affairs. One brother offered to help with mowing the lawn, but he never showed up (sigh).
I think the thing that hurt the most, however, was the response (or lack thereof) of my cousin who at the time was a CO in Pennsylvania. He had been pretty close to my Mom, and they kept in contact by mail.
I wrote to him and told him that Mom had had a severe stroke and she could die at any time. I asked him to write or send a card because I knew Mom would have loved to hear from him.
He wrote...two years later, and several months after Mom had died. I couldn't contact him when she died because he moved around a lot....additionally, I was upset that he hadn't bothered to write or call during all that time. I figured he just didn't care.
His letter, however, absolutely stunned me. It was as if he had not read a word I had written. The beginning of his letter was all about the Bible Studies they had started and how much the congregation was growing. Then he said "I hope you're keeping active in service, Auntie Ann". DUH!!! I had told him that after the stroke, Mom was almost totally destroyed physically. She couldn't walk, could barely talk, was incontinent, and couldn't even open her eyelids until we were able to get surgery done to enable her to open them slightly.
This loving JW family member who was such a wonderful "shepherd" cared nothing for his supposedly beloved aunt. All he was concerned about was that she was still preaching!
for years i denied myself the thing i loved to do the most to be a good jw.
i love to ride off-road motorcycles.
so, i am going to indulge myself and get a new dirt bike.. i love to see god's creation from the vantage point of a motorcycle on a mountain top.
Valid points, my dear Dubby. However, horses start and stop when you want them to, and they also go where you point them. Unlike dirt bikes, however, if you happen to point them at a tree or toward the edge of a cliff that you can't see, horses will stop before hitting said tree or careening over said cliff to ask "hey, are you REALLY sure you want to do this?" Horses don't need headlights to see in the dark, and they see much better than we do.
If you are lost, do you take your hands off the handlebars and let the dirt bike find it's way home? I think not.
Cleaning up after a horse is not that bad...besides the horse residue is GREAT for your garden, unlike dirt bike effluent.
Horses eat grass...no cost. Even if supplemented, a bale of hay costs $3.50 and is enough for one horse for almost a week. Let's see....gas is how much per gallon? Housing....well, my horses use a run-in shed, they don't need a fancy garage, and frequently sheltering under a tree suits them just fine. Their paint doesn't chip, and their "tires" don't need to be replaced. Average usable years for a horse is 25 to 30. Average usable years for a dirt bike? Well....it isn't anywhere close.
My gelding is unlikely to produce offspring....so no messy birthing process. Even if you did breed a mare, however, they generally take care of it by themselves, and then you have a replacement for when the original wears out. Do dirt bikes provide their own free replacements?
Easier to transport? Not really. You take a dirt bike to where you want to ride it on a trailer. You take a horse to where you want to ride it on a trailer. No difference. Or, you can hop on your horse in your backyard and ride locally....just as you could with your dirt bike.
Highway speeds? Okay, horses don't do highway speeds, but the whole purpose of dirt bikes and/or horses is to get OFF the highway, so that point is moot.
(hehehehe) Concede yet?
i would just like to point out that when i first bought my computer and connected to the internet, the first words i typed in my browser were jehovah, jehovah's witnesses, watchtower.... i must say, i was quite amazed to see so many websites that were for and against us.
my curiosity got the better of me and started reading sites such as watchtower.org ,witnesses.net,watchtower observer, h20, freeminds...ect.. did it bother me to read opposing materials or websites?
as i mentioned in another thread i have spent many years training myself a conscience trained to what the bible and the society's publication have encouraged us to do.. again coming back to the question, did it bother me reading all this opposing stuff?
Got plenty of words....any particular ones you had in mind? As far as cheap humor is concerned....well, count me in! :)