Welcome, Roaming. Look as if we are getting a virtual zoo here.
JoinedPosts by RedhorseWoman
Hi! Newbie here. :-)
by Roamingfeline injust wanted to introduce myself.
this board looks very interesting.
i look forward to getting to know everyone here.
"Apostolic succession"?
by Jokemyster insince the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
You got it.....that's it and nothing more.
Hi PL, glad to see you here. I think you'll like it. Lots of nice people, and some very good discussions....debates, even! (Sorry, Friend, I just had to kid you a little on that one....no hard feelings?)
Eve's Choice
by Frenchy inokay, i'm interested in what you girls, especially, think of this:.
eve's choice.
ah, now i know of fair eve's plight.
Oh, Simon, sorry. Back in the 50's, Ford Motor Company came out with a car named after Edsel Ford, the owner's son.
This car had every gimmick in the book, including a push-button automatic transmission (I think that's right...do you remember, Frenchy?).
It was supposed to be the "car of the future", but it just didn't catch on. There were a lot of glitches and the foolish things never ran properly. They didn't sell many, and production on the car was stopped shortly after they rolled off the production line.
They had a huge E embedded in a decorative front grill....just WAY too much for the times.
The "routine", The failure
by Pathofthorns inis it possible to do all that is required as a witness?
if one were to put down on paper all that is required to carry out, both with secular work and a good spiritual routine, is it even possible to do all that one is "supposed" to do?.
a basic routine includes:.
Continuing with your thoughts on this, I remember speaking with a long-time friend about this subject.
She told me she was rather surprised to find herself asking, "What would the Society think about this?" rather than "What would Jehovah think about this?"
We are constantly admonished to listen to the FDS. They are the ONLY ones who can supposedly determine what it is Jehovah wants. They are the ONLY means for approaching our God.....
Golden calf.....hmmmmmm
To: Truthbknown
by Dubby indear truthbknown,.
don't be so afraid to let the truthbknown!
devoting yourself to men and their rules puts you in a precarious position with jehovah.
Why do we have to go anywhere - to another organization? Jesus said to follow Him, which is written in the Bible. This question does come up often, and the WT Society/Corporation is very direct with us - there is no place else we can go, not even Jesus. Unless we think and do as they say, the WT Society/Corporation will not allow us to stay in their corporation.
Waiting, this is something that we frequently don't realize. We all buy into the idea that God is available ONLY through the WTS.
This point really struck home. The WTS can't remove us from a relationship with Jehovah, they can only remove us from a relationship with the corporation.
Thank you for this statement.
Preacher Jimmy Swaggart and JW Lawyers
by waiting inin the supreme court of the united states, october tenth, 1988, case no.
88-1374, filed on june 22, 1988, clerk joseph f. spanol, jr.. on that date and file number, the attoreny james m. mccabe,and donald t. ridley, 25 colombia heights, brooklyn, ny 11251 (718)606-4993, attorneys for amicus curiae, watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. filed a "friends of the court" brief on the behalf of the famous preacher, jimmy swaggart and his ministries.. why would the watchtower society, direct channel for jehovah's holy spirt, which also godly hates babylon the great, which also christiandom is the largest part, go into the supreme court of the united states and file a legal brief to help jimmy swaggart's ministries in his trial which was case no.
88-1374: jimmy swaggart ministries, appelant vs. board of equalization of california, appeller?.
1. Do you equate “seeking wealth” with gaining money? Is it the gaining of material funds that you feel the Society criticizes in other religions?
Yes and yes.
2. Do you equate “seeking wealth” with getting rich? If so, who is getting rich? Do you think the Society has criticized religions because of the size of their bank accounts, that they were somehow unnecessary? Do you think individuals working at Bethel offices are receiving this wealth as individuals? If so, what do you base that upon? (NOTE: I read some past comments about housing, food, travel, et cetera. If that is considered gaining wealth then are you saying the those expenses should not be afforded to those volunteering to do the work associated with their duties?)
Those who volunteer to work at Bethel are not getting rich. The Organization itself, however, is extremely rich.
Those who travel for the Society (such as members of the GB) travel in limousines, fly first class, and stay at 5-star hotels. Nice perks, but not necessary.
The Patterson complex is by no means a simple, utilitarian building.
The Society has vast holdings throughout the world, including many business ventures.
The profit from literature is by no means small. When the printing costs for a magazine or a book are less than a penny each, and the "donation" for that literature is many times that, the profit margin is pretty healthy.
These were all points that have been explicitly pointed out by the WTBTS over the years as reasons for criticizing other religious groups.
If they want to engage in these activities, that's fine. They should, however, be careful about criticizing other religions for these things when they are just as guilty.
Let them be upfront about it and let the publishers know exactly what is going on.
Edited by - RedhorseWoman on 9 June 2000 15:10:29
Preacher Jimmy Swaggart and JW Lawyers
by waiting inin the supreme court of the united states, october tenth, 1988, case no.
88-1374, filed on june 22, 1988, clerk joseph f. spanol, jr.. on that date and file number, the attoreny james m. mccabe,and donald t. ridley, 25 colombia heights, brooklyn, ny 11251 (718)606-4993, attorneys for amicus curiae, watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. filed a "friends of the court" brief on the behalf of the famous preacher, jimmy swaggart and his ministries.. why would the watchtower society, direct channel for jehovah's holy spirt, which also godly hates babylon the great, which also christiandom is the largest part, go into the supreme court of the united states and file a legal brief to help jimmy swaggart's ministries in his trial which was case no.
88-1374: jimmy swaggart ministries, appelant vs. board of equalization of california, appeller?.
Also, I have not heard the Society criticize other tax-exempt organizations—religious or not—for utilizing laws of the land for legally arguing points of law as the system entitles
Correct. My comments have never said this. My complaint has nothing to do with utilizing loopholes in tax laws or alignment with other religious organizations. My comments have referred to the criticism of other religious organizations by the Society for seeking wealth.
The Society has frequently spoken out harshly against any wealthy religious organization....directly condemning them for having and seeking wealth.
They have been doing exactly the same thing....seeking wealth by whatever means possible. THAT always has been and still is my point.
The "routine", The failure
by Pathofthorns inis it possible to do all that is required as a witness?
if one were to put down on paper all that is required to carry out, both with secular work and a good spiritual routine, is it even possible to do all that one is "supposed" to do?.
a basic routine includes:.
I think that that is the whole point. Keep the goals unattainable. Keep people scurrying and striving but never succeeding.
I at one time attempted to do all that was required. I pioneered for three years while trying to work and take care of everything else.
My health fell apart and I ended up in the hospital, which necessitated my quitting the pioneer ranks. And the odd thing is, I was made to feel guilty for "failing".
Ask SC about these sorts of unattainable goals.
Oh, my, I'm sorry, but this is really funny.
A scriptural teaching can change to a totally opposite view before one of the books has even been released, and you just accept it without question?
You don't see a problem with this?