carla said-Get all your legal ducks in a row before you make any final decisions. Protect your kids, find an attorney that knows about jw's and the damage they can do to young minds.
Please do this.
If you dont think that in front of your face and behind your back on her end with JWs backing or even alone that your wife is not making sure to have her butt covered in a divorce and gain full control over everything then man that sucks.
Perhaps just agree with her pioneering for now, maybe retract what you told her. It will buy you some time...maybe.
Maybe you'll get to keep your kids.
Maybe your kids will love you as they grow up.
Maybe your kids wont view you as 'mislead by satan'. That is what is being slowly dripped into their minds.
Maybe you have a chance at a relationship with you kids long term.
I say maybe because if you dont start acting on legal counsel and hope the problem will just go away...... it wont, then all will be lost. With a jw, you get no rewards for 'sticking it out'.
Your wife takes her religion DEAD SERIOUS!!!!! OVER YOU!!! OVER THE KIDS!!!!!
Its up to you to take the lives of your kids dead serious. Lay low, but get your ducks in a row. Give no ammunition!! NONE!
Focus on yourself and your children.
my two cents