Hope he cares about the human rights of those victims and survivors of child abuse as he does of those JWs in Russian jail's
JoinedPosts by Fadeaway1962
IICSA hearings on religious organizations begin 16 March
by Corney inthe independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa) is holding a public hearing in the child protection in religious organisations and settings investigation for the next two weeks.
the provisional timetable for the first week was released today: https://www.iicsa.org.uk/key-documents/17795/view/2020-03-12-cpiros-public-hearing-week-one-timetable.pdf .
five witnesses will testify on the jw issue next thursday, 19 march:.
Social distancing and the Memorial
by Kingdavid41 inwith the coronavirus now categorized as a global pandemic and many large gatherings are now social distancing for safety concerns of contacting and spreading the virus.. will the memorial of christ death take place on april 7 2020 worldwide where thousands will gaether in large crowds to commemorate the death of jesus as commanded in the bible.
jesus gave the command to keep doing this in remembrance of him or will sound, reasonableness and good judgment for safety overrule on that special night.
my guess is that it will not be canceled regardless of the frightening and very real pandemic the virus has caused around the world!.
Just had a update from a Uber relative in a former Communist country working at the bethel which is on lock down,no meeting, ministry.but they will get to work all weekend in bethel.
They also said Italy are advised to prepare for smaller groups for the memorial.
Another relative commenting on it says Jehovah will make it happen it's practice for harder times.
How did I ever believe that rubbish
Ask current Jehovah's Witnesses if they KNOW what happened in 1954 (SHOCKING)
by Terry in(referred to below: watchtower bible and tract society presidents: russell, rutherford, knorr, franz )did you know that from 1879 until 1954 ... ... the writings of c.t.russell, j.f.rutherford, nathan knorr, and the watchtower's own charter... ... agreed ... that jesus christ was to be worshiped?this fact has been cleverly and dramatically hidden by manipulation of older quotations.
______________________________________________________________________pastor charles taze russell answers the question for us.
see below zion’s watch tower 1898 jul 15 p.216“question: the fact that our lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was god the father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man.
Thanks for that info
As a parody I often think what the conversation would be in heaven between the 1st century anointed ones , Russell's cronies, Rutherford and his cronies and Franz and Knorr and their cronies and Jesus with all the flip flopping and changes in each one ideas of what the truth is .
Would there be peace and unity in heaven?
Quotes from 3/8/2020 WT study
by neat blue dog inhere's just a few random observations from tomorrow's wt study:.
jesus’ command to make disciples was not limited to christians living in the first century.
jesus concluded his instructions to his followers with the words: “i am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (matt.
But they fail to mention what happened to the 200,000 that are missing from the 2018 and the 2019 average publisher's numbers
Because they use physiological manipulation to slowly erode the person you are to someone they want you to become it's so slow you don't notice like the example of the frog in a pot of cold water then you turn the heat on low the frog doesn't notice till to late.
It the same process that domestic abusers use would you deliberately fall in love with that person if you knew that .
Will you attend the Memorial 2020 ? - Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
by bats in the belfry in... or rather listen to the advice on their jw news website:.
show love to others.
while we all know the importance of attending christian meetings and participating in the public ministry, if you are sick, it is best to stay home to avoid infecting others.
What if you attend and refuse to handle the glass and the plate because of the virus being transmitted?
The Catholic church has said its up to the individual will org do the same.
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
What punkofnice and Everapostate said.
Did you read through the thread that punkofnice kindly put up?
Many years as a JW I spoke and worked beside people from Pentecostal churches so going to their gatherings is not going to prove Jesus was a real person.
Please read through the thread that punkofnice put up with a open mind
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
So still no proof .
As a baptized JW for over 35 years none of my prayers were ever answered.
You never gave any proof of Jesus Christ being a real person and not just a made up story possible by the Romans to pacify the rebellions Jews .
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
If so amazing where's the proof?
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
Philippians 3:20-21 "lord Jesus Christ who will transform our humble body to be like his glorious body"
So the billions of those that have exercised faith in Jesus that have died , do they also have a physical body in heaven also?