Shame for those in prison,
Where were the angels and the holy spirit to protect them like in the past ? .
shame for those in prison, .
where were the angels and the holy spirit to protect them like in the past ?
Shame for those in prison,
Where were the angels and the holy spirit to protect them like in the past ?
it started off as "dear friend ,as one of your neighbours" , however the postmark on the letter was from 2 townships away ?
a good twenty minute car drive away .a minor point i know.
it goes on about how she is concerned about the effects that current events are having on the welfare of the community and the corona-virus has prevented her from discussing the issues personally with me.. she then goes on to state and quote jeremiah 29:11 and then goes on to say "for more information about this promise and other questions like :.
Do what you can to be prepared. The apostle Peter wrote: “Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Peter 3:15) Are you ready to defend your beliefs? For example, if someone wants to know why you do not take part in some unscriptural custom or practice, do not be satisfied with saying, “It’s against my religion.” Such an answer may suggest that you let others make your decisions for you and that you must therefore be a member of a cult. It might be better to say, “God’s Word, the Bible, forbids it” or, “It would displease my God.” Then give a reasonable explanation as to why.—Romans 12:1.
W02 8/15 p 15 -20
We are always encouraged to apply that in our ministry , unless they know they can't make a defence.
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
Written by a bunch of gaslighting narcissistic idiots.
Wish people would wake up to the physiological abuse .
i don`t wish them any real harm or death or anything ,but i feel that if a few of them contracted the virus it might wake a few more up that their is no god to protect them from what is happening in the world.. after all they are living in a hot spot aren`t they ?.
am i wrong in wishing this to befall some of them ?
as a wake up call ?
I'd rather see them in a court of law being questioned on the two witness rule and their failure to protect children from abuse and why they protected the abusers by not reporting them to the authorities.
Why some of the victims and their families have been and are still being shunned, and why they won't say sorry.
2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses: “always rejoice”!.
in this problem-filled world, true happiness can be found.
learn how to rejoice constantly!
First assembly I never listened to, then again the last few I did attend I never listened to either 😂 .
they feel there being discriminated against..
They feel there being discriminated against.
in one of the study articles from the november 2020 edition, is mentioned (free quotation):.
"don"t get disturbed if your kingdom hall will be sold".
food on the right time, i asume?.
Sir82 excellent point.
The funds are being used to help build halls in areas that need them.
A honest and open organisation will tell us when and where these halls are being built.
anyone notice at begining of rejoice convention that chairmen says "greetings or good day bro and sisters leaving out any who are not brothers and sisters the pharisee has struck again so you are greeted only if your considered a bro or sister.
because he that says a greeting is sharer in wicked deeds any body catch that?.
BB sorry meant to click 👍
praise jehovah with his people.
w73 7/1 pp.
4 consider, too, the fact that jehovah’s organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by god’s holy spirit or active force.
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.
W/tower February 2017 p26 par 12.
New light probably due to his admission to ARC .
A Government under Satan's control gives the JWs another opportunity to join the redress scheme and apologize to the victims . Let's hope they take for the sake of the victims , but I very much doubt it .