I have been on both her and her husbands websites and facebook pages. There is link to the JW.org
I think she is a born in who is full of shit.
scenecoco rocha is a devout jehovahs witnesslilian asante | jan 17, 2013 2:10 pm et | last updated: jan 17, 2013 5:20 pm et.
more from lilian asante.
dan steinberg/the associated presscoco rocha has revealed she is a devout jehovah's witness.
it is rare to get such a startling, sparkling, perfect example of this.. here is a snippet of a conversion going on at jwtalk.net regarding israel/gaza:.
every one who is in the world today and dies tomorrow is in line for a ressurection.this is their best way of being in the new world.
Is there anything biblical about this.
it is rare to get such a startling, sparkling, perfect example of this.. here is a snippet of a conversion going on at jwtalk.net regarding israel/gaza:.
every one who is in the world today and dies tomorrow is in line for a ressurection.this is their best way of being in the new world.
Has anyone ever thought why try in this world , I will just be a better person in the new world ??
Do we all come back or not ???
Not really sure what they teach.
moley i just loved your thread on life in the new system but i was also wondering what will happen if old testament patriachs such as noah, abel, moses and others decide they do not want to be jws in the new system will they be destroyed by jehovah and jesus after all of their faithful service?
i have always wondered about this because they are not guranteed everlasting life until they past the final test after the 1000 year reign of jesus.
what happens if moses is angry with jehovah after he is reserrected and cannot believe it took so long 4000 years for the great tribulation will he be wiped out instantly.
I am kind of thinking it will be like Pro-Wrestling. Noah, David, Moses etc vs the Governing Body. I am guessing David will turn heel and join the Governing Body.
this is not meant to be a slag off the bible thread.. i had a question asked me the other day and it was: 'do you live by anything from the bible?'.
i had to think about that one because i was force grown in the filthy, disgusting cult of the paedophile loving watchtower(r).. you know what?
i really don't know if i just naturally am a great bloke or if any 'nice' bits in the bible influenced me......or has western culture been influenced by the bible for good and bad?.
I consider myself Pro-life. Not that protest outside clinics or cover my cars in bumper stickers or anything.
I have found myself in arguements before and people would say things like " Does your magicial man in the sky control womens bodies ". Till this day I can't really tell you what the bible really says about the subject, nor do I really care. I have just seen what a 22-24 week abortion looks like and it is freakin evil man.
It is kind of like you when see that Awake " Children who put god first "cover. I actually told an elder that once, I consider he at about the level as an abortonist making children walk around with those blood cards. He was a pompus prick.
Now where do we get our moral code from ?? I am just saying I don't think it is all bad. Just the cults.
in my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
This Saturday there was two cars in the parking lot in a congregation of 80 or so publishers. I really have no idea how we are supposedly all getting an average of 9 hours a month. I don’t even know how the pioneers are doing it. I know one has leached on to someone unemployed loser and they just hang out all day. I think the ones with children are just using family study night as a write off.
To the single and childless people in the cong, man it has to be tough.
an elder in my cong.
test drove a new a car and was entered in this contest to win a new hot tub.
i don't know if he had to enter to was just.
That is true but I would imagined he actually entered his name on a piece of paper................so.
Mind you, I have seen his wife reading Nora Roberts books when manning a literature cart. I thought that was kind of funny.
an elder in my cong.
test drove a new a car and was entered in this contest to win a new hot tub.
i don't know if he had to enter to was just.
An Elder in my cong. test drove a new a car and was entered in this contest to win a new hot tub. I don't know if he had to enter to was just
automatically enter for taking a test drive. They just annouced his name on the radio.
Man that is funny. The gambling elder.
Not really sure what is going to happen next.
so talking with my wife last night...i was explaining to her about a conversation i had with a person at work about end times.
he has a strange belief that some scriptures in isaiah perdict something huge is going to happen in september of 2015. she then states that no one can predict the future only the father knows and he is in a cult.
lol on the inside.. i then stated "what about 1914 and the dubs perdiction and what it means today" she said no there was never any predictions.
I was studying with an elder and when he tried to explain to the 1914 prophecy and I was like
So failed prophecy actually means “ a marked year “.
The dream in Daniel 4 about the tree and the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar madness is actually a prophecy about the end times ??? How ??
In the book of Luke of Jerusalem actually means “ Heaven “ ??
Gentile times actually means “ Satanic worldy rule “.
And the generation that won’t pass away now means two life times in a row ?
Where is the day for a year rule in the bible ?
And you just noticed all this after the event you said that would happen didn’t happen??
Why doesn’t anyone else claim 607 is the fall of Jerusalem ??
Really ??
I don’t know if anything I said got though. I like to think I showed him anyone with a little imagination could right this crap if up actually meant down and 2 plus 2 actually was equal to 7 , so on and so on.
the watchtower has always praised witnesses who are on welfare and decided to pioneer.
many in my congregation, including my mom, were given kudos, praise and assembly parts because they took advantage of jehovah's provision through the government....did you notice this, or was it obvious to me because i was raised in the inner city and many people recieved government help?.
Since all goverments of the world are controlled by Satan, isn't it kind of like collecting a paycheck from Satan. LoL
It is kind of like the sob story about the brothers in South Korean jails , then you ask " How many Dubs are there in North Korea ??? ".
In the words of Nelson Muntz " I hope the Irony isn't lost on you, HA HA " .