When you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??
Just curious that's all. Not being a witness ( UBM here ) I think everyone has known a JW kid and at a certain age " My mommy won't let me play with you ".
Never heard the other side of it.
when you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??.
just curious that's all.
not being a witness ( ubm here ) i think everyone has known a jw kid and at a certain age " my mommy won't let me play with you ".
When you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??
Just curious that's all. Not being a witness ( UBM here ) I think everyone has known a JW kid and at a certain age " My mommy won't let me play with you ".
Never heard the other side of it.
in my first kingdom hall, the elders were ultra conservative.
our presiding overseer used to be a zone overseer.
the second hall i was in was moderate.
My First Congregation- A couple conservative hard cores that really ran the show that were surrounded by useless Yes men. The so called supporting elders were usually first generation converts which seemed odd. I guess lonely weidos like the power. I think as a whole the congregation really doubted the sincerity of the elders and no one wanted in the club. The joke really was on them. They dfed an entire generation of kids and now this congregation that to merge with another one due to skrinkage.
There was one particular elder that couldn’t go a single meeting without making notice of one of the batshit crazy doctrines of the WTS. ( Blood, dfing, GB ) . I actually don’t think he really know anything about the bible outside of WTS propaganda. He really scared me.
My Second Congregation- Small rural congregation. Head elder was a drunk and the rest were doing their mission work. Six months to a year in and leave. Most were single and the prospects of getting laid were slim to none. Pretty liberal bunch though. Once they realized you were only there for family reasons they just left you alone. Once they realized you had a pretty good theological grasp of the bible anything bible related was kind of avoided. I think there was a warning about me placed in my new congregation about not studying the bible with me.
One of the elders actually had his 12 year old daughter enrolled in dance and figure skating. I thought that was kind of weird. Once we were having a social and one of the elders ( I think accidently ) referred to Baptist youth group as “ those Christian kids “. There was a bottle drive in the neighbourhood earlier that day. Too funny.
this topic has been on my mind lately.
i have been looking around at jws and wondering how many truly believe the end is as near as they are told.
from my personal experience, i know that my parents fully believe the end is imminent and may come any time now.
My wife tried that “ Well if you just look at the news the end of the system is coming soon with me “. I then reminded her that according to the WTS and the new understanding of Mog and Magog the end of the system of things will happen when there is a huge migration of Jehovah witnesses to the middle east in the mountains of Israel and they will be attacked by a collation of nations from Central Asia to Northern Africa.
Now I don’t see some 8 million moving any time soon so no need to worry I guess.
Now if you want to play the bible prophecy game maybe replace the modern day state of Israel with what the society teaches about itself what really makes more sense? In a strictly doomsday scernio.
I find this is an easy way to end a convo with a JW real quick about “ the end timeshere we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
If I keep bringing this thread up but essentially the WTS is teaching.
Jehovah will call all this people to a land called Israel
An alliance of nations from Central Asia, the middle east and North Africa will attack Jehovahs people.
When this attack is just about to happen Jehovah god will come back and it will be the big A?
Sorry I love watching all those nutty television shows on the Christian channel about the future and how it relates to the middle east and modern day state of Israel and how god is actually an American. The WTS society has basically just replaced the modern day state of Israel with itself ?? That is just lazy writing.
Sometimes I think they just put out stuff out of pure mockery. I know the writing department must just be howling right now.
Or it just the way I read it.
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
The Big A and the tribulation time isn't coming till all the Jehovah Witnesses are living in there own land ??
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
I am reading this new JW leaks article about the new understand of Mog and Magog and I am not really sure what to say. Somehow all the witness will live in safety in a land called " Israel " or " Israel " will be the name of the organization or something like that.
Then they will be attacked by a vast army from Central Asia, the middle east and North Africa ?? Then Jehovah god will kill everyone ??
So they believe all the witnesses in the world will move to the middle east then get attacked ???
The delluted sense of self importance of the WTS is starting to border on the ridiculous. I think if a person turns on the TV it is plain to see what people are really under threat in the region. First Syria, then Iraq and now maybe Libya. I am of the belief that after the book of acts gods people are his church and " Israel " or the jewish people are something separate but still part of his plan. ( But that is another argument for another day ).
Anywho, Does anyone find it was silly as I ??
call me crazy, but i love to watch seminary classes when sharp teachers are in charge of the instruction.. in the following video, the teacher really nails jehovah's witnesses on john 1:1 with utter simplicity.. begin at 1 hour and 20 minutes in.. i've never seen or heard of this before.. .
I think when you read the book of John it becomes pretty clear what the intent of the author is.
Now you read the old testament and see the plurality of god and how people can’t see the face of god and live , yet people have seen “ the angel of the lord “ who is identified as god and being with god. “ No one has seen the father, only the begotten son “.
Somehow Jesus and his father co-existed as Jehovah of the old testament.
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
First off, I am not really sure where in the bible it says that modern day Jehovah witnesses are actually the Jews or Israel of the Old Testament. The concept of what is Israel and what is the church in the new testament is just a concept that is lost to the average dub.
I am not really sure how a coalition of nations is to is suppose just corner a very small portion of some 235 countries.
The more I read the whole Mog and Magog thing it is more likely the modern day of Israel being cornered by their muslin neighbours with Russian help.
Although I do find this kind of stuff very interesting, It is very important that if you take an interest in the bible that your entire ministry or source of study isn’t just Revelations, Daniel and Ezekiel. In the end it doesn’t matter what you believe or if you believe you have some secret bible knowledge if you are just a moral bankrupt fraud shunning your family.
embrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Why come every time someone leaves the WTS they become some Michael Moore, Richard Dawkins quoting pussy liberal.
I think Judaeo Christian values make us better.
The United States isn’t the moral equal of Somalia.
I don’t think what happened in the middle ages matters anymore.
Communism and Islam suck. Secular humanism will not be the moral compass that Christianity is in the future.
these are my coments on some answers in the interview:.
why did you start doubting the church?three things troubled me.
the church was involved in politics.
I find it highly unlikely that a catholic priest with proper seminary training would find the Jehovah Witnesses very convincing with their copy and paste propaganda sessions. Actually I think most people with even a basic understanding of the scriptures can show the average Witness that their theology has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.
I think Witness have more doubts about their faith talking to a real Christian than vise versa.
p.s- Please save the atheist/agnostic comments, Richard Dawkins, Pagan Christ, sun god crap. I find you just as annoying as the most uber witnesses.