My wife has a friend at her KH. She is 37 and her friend is
88. I know it sounds kind of strange but they are both the wives of UBM so they
kind of stick together. My wife is very sincere in this friendship and this
lady is a nice person. My wife visits
her about three times a week. She is kind of limited in what she can do now.
Her husband just passed away and she never had any children
and she has no blood relatives left either. The only relatives are a niece and
nephew on her late husband’s side and of course their children. I guess they
are kind of close and that is only family she really has. Of course not a single JW attended his funeral
( assholes) . The fact he didn’t like the JWs may have also been a reason but
most likely just to be the typical cunts they are.
I imagine there is an estate worth maybe 500,000 to 750,000.
I would assume the majority would go to her niece and nephew but am I out of
line to maybe ask her to maybe think of my wife in her estate. I have asked my wife about this and she tells
me I am totally out of line to even suggest such a thing.
My biggest fear this one of those morally bankrupt elders from the KH would have given her cousel already about giving to the
babble and crap society or even worse, give it to themselves. We literally have
elders in their 60 that are still living paycheck to paycheck and living in
apartments. I don’t trust those fuckers, not that it is really any of my
business. It just pisses me off they couldn’t be bother to go to the funeral
and would be sitting their looking for a handout.
Of am I just a terrible person for even thinking about this