With some 30,000 different Christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real? Some folks think Jesus did start a church, others think no.
I would say that the scripture supports that the church was inaugurated at Pentecost.Matt. 16:18, Acts 2:1-4: and I Cor. 12:13
The church is not a building or a denomination; it is made up of all who have believed the gospel of Christ and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit - no matter what imperfect church organization they are affiliated with. God knows those who are His. When Christ returns He will not ask which imperfect church we belonged to. He will only ask, did you love me? Did you visit me when I was sick? When I was hungry, did you give me to drink? Matthew 25:35-40
Wow what an amazing post. I couldnt say it any better myself.
Once you understand how little difference there really is within all the major Christian denominations that idea salvation though works or salvation though obedience to a human organization it all seems quite silly.
I wish all JWs would read this post and then read the new testament from start to finish.