i was wondering if any former bethelites could clue me in to how the illustrations get planned/decided upon that wind up in the watchtower publications?
does the writing department formally ask for a specific illustration to go with their dumb article or do the artists just smoke some ganja and come up with their own zany stuff?.
also, to any active bethelites monitoring this site, i would like to submit a recommendation.
Christ Alone: It is funny, isn't it? When I was at Bethel I was counseled for owning a LOTR movie. You can get be disqualified for privileges or serving at Bethel if you watch R-rated movies. If I were an artist that did promotional stuff for those movies, the elders in my local congregation would no doubt counsel me and have me on their shit list.
Yet, when the Branch wants your skills, spirituality doesn't matter.
i was wondering if any former bethelites could clue me in to how the illustrations get planned/decided upon that wind up in the watchtower publications?
does the writing department formally ask for a specific illustration to go with their dumb article or do the artists just smoke some ganja and come up with their own zany stuff?.
also, to any active bethelites monitoring this site, i would like to submit a recommendation.
This guy http://www.jasonpalmer.net/ is a Witness who does artwork for WT. He lives on the west coast and goes for months at a time to NY and does art. You could always ask him if you wanted to know.
my wife went to the sunday meeting and said nearly everyone had ipads (tablet pcs) or laptops during the watchtower study with downloaded watctowers.. if they provide free wi-fi and coffee, i might start going again..
my wife went to the sunday meeting and said nearly everyone had ipads (tablet pcs) or laptops during the watchtower study with downloaded watctowers.. if they provide free wi-fi and coffee, i might start going again..
I was the first in my hall to start rocking an iPad for everything. I'd get some dirty looks from people who believe that it has to be on paper for it to be considered holy or something ahahah.Eventually more started. I'd say there's maybe 10 or so in my cong. that use them. Honestly it is pretty conveinent especially with the WT Library online now.
I once used my iPad for a public talk and caught a ton of flak from the PO in the congregation I visited.
fresh out of the jw.org website http://www.jw.org/en/news/by-region/world/jehovahs-witnesses-office-consolidation/ .
the society as from september 2012 is closing 20 branches worldwide .the best bit is the last paragraph :.
workers are available to spend more time preachingbecause of the mergers, qualified ministers who had been serving in small branches can now concentrate on preaching the good news.. a witness in africa, who was reassigned to the preaching activity, wrote: "adjusting my lifestyle to suit the new circumstances was a challenge during the first few months.
There was a brother at the US Branch (and I'm sure many have this same story) who started at Bethel at 18 or 19, whatever the minimum age was back then. Fast foward decades to when this guy is in his 50's. At this point in time, the US Branch 're-assigned' A TON of brothers, including this guy. What the hell is he supposed to do. Guys like that have no idea how the real world works. They've been insulated and sheltered their entire lives. I felt sorry for him. He is a special pioneer, which means he still has his membership in the 'special order' club. He uses his ID to get into bethel for free meals and cheap auto work. Good on him I guess. Stick it to them.
I can't believe anyone would even consider Bethel service at this point. "HEY young man. Give up your 20's and work in the bindery. Then we'll kick you out for no reason and fuck you over as you try to make it in the real world because you have no skills."
from nigerian newspaper via google alert a few minutes ago;.
entire family, 20 others die in fatal accidenttragedy struck weekend in akwa ibom state as a man, his wife and all their children, as well as more than 20 others, all members of the jehovahs witness church, perished in a fatal road accident which occurred, friday, along the utu etim ekpo road in etim ekpo local government area of the state.. forty other members of the church sustained varying degrees of injuries following in the crash which occurred on their way to the jehovahs witness annual convention ground in ikot ekpene local government area of the state.. thisdays gathered that more than 70 members of the church had hired a lorry to convey them from ukanafun local government area to ikot ekpene for the annual district convention which began on friday and billed to end today (sunday) but the journey ended half way with many members of the church dying on the road in the accident.. eyewitnesses alleged that the driver of the lorry conveying the church members to the venue of the convention lost control of the vehicle when he got to utu etim ekpo, the junction opposite the local government secretariat, and hit the stone used to construct the roundabout, thus resulting in the lorry somersaulting, leaving many of its passengers and others wounded.. the corpses and those injured in the accident were said to have been taken to neighbouring hospitals and mortuaries.. one of the eyewitnesses, mr. friday john, said the people who died may have been more than what was seen because a whole family including parents and their children were all trapped in the accident.. we were all here discussing when suddenly the lorry appeared and was looking like the driver had lost control of it.
then the lorry drove straight and hit the stone and somersaulted into the gutter.. many people died, more than 18. in fact, we couldnt count the number because there were many corpses, including husband, wife and children and they were all taken to the mortuary in various hospitals near etim ekpo here, john explained.. in another narration, a secondary school teacher in eka uruk eshiet etim ekpo, mr. ndipmo nkanta, said the lorry boarded by the deceased and the injured passengers was not meant for passengers but goods only.. he blamed the accident on poverty , arguing that if there was a better alternative, such casualties wouldnt have been recorded, especially as they were going to worship god.. the public relations officer of the federal road safety corps, frsc, in the state, mr. godsgift uwen, blamed the incident on over-speeding and overloading by the driver of the lorry.. he said the lorry was not supposed to carry any passenger as it was a meant for goods only but the driver stubbornly used it as a passengers vehicle, which led to the sad incident.. he advised against rush and drunken driving, especially in the yuletide, noting that these are some of the major causes of accidents on the roads.. culled from thisday".
does anyone else find it ironic that the watchtower places literature on the internet, encourage people to download and share it, but then warns no to post it on the internet?
isn't posting on the internet the no.1 method of sharing information in this day and age?
and what, exactly, constitutes "posting on the internet".. in their terms and conditions:.
This article is pretty interesting because if you read between the lines it shows that the elders aren't following the branch's direction for field services groups. Since they started the whole arrangement, every single elder & servant meeting I went to had a few minutes to 'reminding' the brothers of this responsibility. I've also talked to elders who indicated that the CO gave them an earful about it. I'm sure some of you notice that right before and right after a CO visit, the elders do shepherding calls and all the other stuff they should have been doing.
I'm surprised they don't release the numbers sooner such as through a letter or even on the website. The majority of congregations email or enter the attendance on the website attendance that night. Within days they'd get the numbers from the other branches.
did anyone else notice the artwork change on page 12 and on page 83?
im new to this and cannot get the pictures to upload....but if you have a copy of the book and compare it with the pdf online, there is definitely a change.. what qould cause them to to this?.
i would be interesting to see if there were any changes to the wording of the paragraphs.
If you want some real laughs from different covers check out the Young People Ask v.1. It's been through several cover changes. I'm surprised that they even use photos of teens for the covers on either book with the rate that kids get DF'ed and stuff.