This concept that somehow the poppy growers won is strange to me. Its like ,after being knocked out in the first 30 seconds of rounds one, a boxer is revived and stands up, and seeing his opponent is gone (to the dressing room for a victory press conference), begins declare himself victor to the empty arena.
The poppy growers and goat herders didnt win. They didnt beat the Soviets either. The USSR was failing as a nation (thanks to the brilliant tactics of the USA under Ronald Regan) and decided to pull back. They held that dirt for almost Ten years. If you get hit in the face for ten years and finally someone stops because their hand hurts, that was a win for your face I guess…?
The USA held that dirt for 20 years and could have held it for 20 more. The poppy growers and goat herders were hiding in caves. Literal cave men. They were of no threat whatsoever. The USA decided to go home. There was no forcing the USA out. There was no threat of loss or defeat. As a nation we decided to stop punching them in the face. A win for the tali’s face, i guess….?
If by defeat you mean the ruskies and americans failed to change the hearts and minds of the mohammedans, absolutely correct. That was predictable as night and day. It would take two generations of occupation to do that. But defeat on the battle field? Not even close.