CBD does not have any thc, or undetectable levels thereof. Its a non issue.
Medicinal mary jane has been accepted.
Recreational J’s are a still a no no, although how thats different that knocking back a few shots the lords whiskey is beyond me.
i am not so sure if i am willing to discuss cbd with my jw aunt.
CBD does not have any thc, or undetectable levels thereof. Its a non issue.
Medicinal mary jane has been accepted.
Recreational J’s are a still a no no, although how thats different that knocking back a few shots the lords whiskey is beyond me.
remember the last financial crisis, where there as a bail-out of the banks?.
have you ever stopped to think what the "out" part of bail-out means?
normally you think of bailing water out of a boat, or maybe jumping out of a plane, but in financial terms the "out" means "outside money".
This is correct. A youtuber (and very smart financial guy) named George Gammon does a lot of videos covering this in very simple, basic terms.
minimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
This better not be some ‘johnny the bethelite ‘ level BS….. damn that blows. Bad.
just saw the following you tube video.
it’s 3 hours long, but thoroughly interesting.
if you want to save yourself 3 hours, basically the active mormon church is about 3 million.
If everywhere were Scotland we would all have cool accents, kilts and failed livers…. But since everywhere isnt Scotland, your “extensive local research” is indicative of nothing more than just that, “local research”. You are free to use any stat you’d like, up to and including the number of angels on the head of a pin, as the basis of your conclusion, but dont expect to be taken seriously
how is the biden administration doing so far?.
biden reversed trump's plans for the border wall, and now america has thousands of illegal immigrants entering from mexico.. strangely, biden didn't reverse trump's plans for withdrawal from afghanistan, and instead pressed ahead with his own brand of lunacy, literally running away from afghanistan and abandoning its people to the taliban.. what is it with biden?
is he senile or just incompetent?
God help us all
just saw the following you tube video.
it’s 3 hours long, but thoroughly interesting.
if you want to save yourself 3 hours, basically the active mormon church is about 3 million.
I find it hard to believe you are counting congregations as a measure of anything. There are no fixed or set limits on congregation size in any of the church's, therefore comparing the numbers of congregations is comparative of nothing. There is no standard by a comparison can be made. Number of individual adherents is all you can accurately use
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
Why would the chi coms care about their prestige anywhere in the world except china? What a bizarre POV, and one not shared by the chi coms I assure you.
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
The irony is the chi coms will walk in and smile, make nice for a while, then begin “relocating” the natives to concentration camps to harvest their organs…. Just like they have with the uyghurs
i’m reservations, pimo elder.
i’m in no position to leave the organisation, maybe some people will see that as weak or whatever, but we have to all go down our own path in life.. i would like to be able to wake people up in my congregation, how do you think best to do this?
any ideas?.
Been there, done that. The problem for you will always be you are not ready to leave, therefore you will only be willing to go so far in attempting to wake people up. You can only ask so many questions so close to the apostate line without drawing attention to yourself that would put your standing in jeopardy.
In the end you are likely to find, as i did, thats in an untenable position. The emotional cost is enormous, living that double life, and degrading as a man.
related experience;.
basically what happened is my mom was studying with my 9 year old sibling and they were talking about the paradise.
my sibling then proceeded to ask, in a clearly joking way, "what if jehovah was tricking us and we don't go to paradise?
Its a legitimate question. Lets analyze:
what evidence is there that the desert god tells the truth? What is the basis, other his own say so, that he never lies? His very first threat, ‘eat from the tree and you die that day’, was a blatant lie. The JW explanation about spiritual death and death to their relationship with him or they started dying that day, is nonsense. An all knowing god has an obligation to speak in a way that will be clearly understood by his creations and there is only one way that threat can be taken. He lied from the start.
Your sibling is on track.