Lol what????? What has LLoyd EVER given to “ttatt”? How has he advanced our knowledge or understanding in ANY respect?
Narcissist of the highest order
original reddit post (removed).
Lol what????? What has LLoyd EVER given to “ttatt”? How has he advanced our knowledge or understanding in ANY respect?
Narcissist of the highest order
original reddit post (removed).
@coin Agreed. Things like this forum and jw facts are resources.. Llyod is a tool. A broken, poor designed, neglected, useless tool.
original reddit post (removed).
I disagree in some respects that people who run boards like this one, or JW facts or other resources, are not an important part of waking people up.
Yes, people must want it and yes they have to accept and think for themselves, however, having these tools is a major piece of the puzzle for many.
I use myself as an example. I was happily serving as an elder with no doubts when i cam across this site by random google search. A little reading, cause im strong enough, and now i have questions i cant answer. Yada yada here i am. Without this site…. I dont know. Im still serving I think.
original reddit post (removed).
Well the way that tight pants thing went down it made sense that he got through. He didnt call the switch board, he called a bethelite who transferred him to tony. Having been a bethelite i can tell you thats 100% doable.
He did however waste the opportunity, as i would expect from a childish oaf like him. He has no real point, no real gripes, he just grifts off others ideas.
original reddit post (removed).
Hey Lloyd….
Molon Labe
there was a comment that in australia ( i think) the experiment ended with no apparent outcome.
anyone know how this is working any where?
there was also a mention of a hall being sold.
Yea thats not a great comment , mick.
jw broadcasting.
news and announcements.
2021 governing body update #10. .
How ironic since he was the impetus for me finally cutting the cord
When that asshat said that if someone had a problem with what he was saying to take it up with jesus i simply could stand no more from that cunt and never came back.
original reddit post (removed).
Papillion soo soo (Actress from FMJ) is also a model and had other roles. She isnt hard to find, even for a clown like llyod.
original reddit post (removed).
Wow… that chat was unreal and beyond creepy
makes a good point.
Bahahahaha this didnt age well