They even believe that the Bible was written ONLY for the 144000 anointed ones, for those who inherit the kindom. All others have to listen to the word or channel of mediators, the anointed ones.
So the bible is not understandable for everyone but only for the federal and discret slave class. The problem is that they teach at the same time since last month (see threads about David Splane) that between 100 A.D and 1919 A.D. there were no anointed ones or no discret slave class on earth, so nobody could interpret the bible before 1919 correctly, because nobody had the right attitude and could serve God as discret slave, But So the Bible survived and was copied and transmitted by the catolic church directly into the hands of the Watchtower Society by power of gods spirit although it had not the right attitude, but apparently enfough for copying the bible and keepint it as treasure..... until 1919 they could correclty interprete it then in the watchtower headqaurter in new york finally.with the right attitude and understand that theyself are the faithful and discrete slave. but not yet fully undstanding everything about the matter, only the governing body since 1970 knows everything much better and since June 2015 David splane speculates again about the fact that there was no slave class before 1919 WOW......... endless mysteries begin to reveal.
God wrote the bible 33 Ad. and kept it over hundreds of years in the hand of a harlot not knowing when would be the right moment to make it understandble by the FDS-Class. Jesus did not know it, but FDS knows it ;-)