Birthdays were the first thing I celebrated at college as I faded. I learnt that it is about celebrating the birthday persons years alive and giving them a lovely day whatever their age. With kidsid suggest going to 1 or 2 parties of classmates and chatting to other mums especially if you go to a good one. Ifi like a venue I book it for the next year. Expect it to feel odd but feelings are not truth just feelings, it gets easier. Remember for most people they are simply continuing to do things as their parents did for them. You are starting from scratch skit takes a while to learn what works. Keep it simple not too many kids, finger food and we find using a venue that does it all for you helps so you just send out invites then turn up with a cake. I would also suggest pick a theme or activity your child really likes.
JoinedPosts by SummerAngel
Hosting a Joyful Birthday Party
by Prester John inso after many years of being pimo, me and the wife have decided to start celebrating our sons' birthdays.
next week is the first birthday party that we’re going to do, our eldest, aged 7.. and although i'm so looking forward to it, i feel slightly guilty and uneasy at the same time.
a step into the unknown.
Me too south east corner, been out and free of the evil cult nearly 30 years welcome x
* 2018 Mergers and changes to UK congregations *
by truthseeker ini have a document containing a list of all congregations in the uk.
periodically i go through the links and check to see if they're still registered as charities and if the location of the congregation is the same.. instead of posting a large list of changes all at once, i will be adding each change that i find in a new reply to this thread.. please check back here periodically.. truthseeker.
Brighton central hall sold, Portslade hall sold. Portslade now meets at Hove as separate cong, Brighton goes to woodingdean but I think there has been some merger there. Numbers dropped to about 60 per cong now for these. Portslade only has 2 young families rest are oldies. Numbers in 1980s were over 100. Info accurate and up to date as all my family stil PIMI and have discussed it with them.
Their deluded take is its down to house prices.
question about the go bags.
by goingthruthemotions inits been a minute since posting, have been trying to put this cult in my review mirror and just live life.
but you know this beast rears it's evil head.
my wife found my crisis of conscience book and out came the horns plus i guess what she is hearing at the meetings isn't helping either.
I can see that in US go bags are useful for natural disasters but in UK they are definitely put forward as Amagedon mongering. My aged and physically infirm parents badgered some poor sales assistant in a sleepy Coastal Sussex town for foil blankets and such like.
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry!! I did suggest that given they can hardly make it from their front door to the pavement carrying large boxes of water, tins of spuds and other rubbish maybe a struggle but apparently Jehovah will give them the strength. Haha.
If the GB really believed this crap surely they would stash for whole cong at KH and bunkers. Given aging nature of Congs the every man for himself approach is inhuman And ridiculous. In any other more caring group there would be proper measures in place to protect and help those less frail but then it’s a selfish cult that has never shown charity to anyone in or out. Also if the GB really believed the end was nigh then those PIMI wouldn’t just be given vague cryptic instructions there would be definite plans in place.
Is attendance down in your location too?
by StarryNight9 ini was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
Song my family go to has merged so at least one whole song gone, I last went late 80s used to get around 120 give or take numbers reported to be around 60 now.reported by parents who are PIMI. They are of course in complete denial and blame it on 'high local house prices ' funny how this doesn't affect other churches who are increading. I don't think they realise of believe decline is National. Area is South East UK
What immodest clothing have you got in trouble for wearing?
by Addison0998 ini personally have a very distinct sense of style and fashion which many of the fellow jdubs frown upon.
recently, i was told by a few specially self righteous ones that i looked like a prostitute in a pair of white boots!
a pair of 3 inch heeled, just a little taller than the ankle boots, with skirt that came down to my knees and a black long sleeve shirt that came up to my collarbone.
Back in the 80s I dyed my hair pink in time for the memorial, that went down a storm I was 14.
Also any skirt with a split in it was a prozzie skirt. Oh and I also got spied out when I was 40 miles away at uni and reported back to parents Cong for wearing a above knee skirt with woolly tights and flat boots.
Evening gala/ball
by Researchedandenlightened incan anyone tell me when, and why jehovahs witnesses hold evening gala,s / ball with full tuxedo,s and evening gowns ?
is it uk only as i have heard family throughout the uk attend these events (jw only) of course !.
what is the purpose of these events and how long have the dubs being doing so ?
I think they basically a dating fest to meet eligible dubs outside your area. My brother went to them when he was single, cost about £60 dinner and dance ( or grub n a rub). He went about 10 yes ago I think most were London based often on a boat on the Thames. I think they were a fairly open secret amongst dubs
who has been out the longest?
by stan livedeath inwho has been out of the cult the longest ?.
i'll start--i resigned in 1971, but attended occasionally as a non-interested husband to keep the wife sweet, untill my last circuit assembly in autumn 1980. no connection with the cult since then.
so--its either 47 or 38 years, depending on how you see it.. which begs the question--why am i on this site now ?.
I was never baptised but started moving away aroung 1986 when i went to uni but had serious doubts pretty much as far back as i was able to articulate them around age 7 which would have been 1974. Remember 75 being annouced in 74 at Twickers assembly. When it didnt happen just compounded it even further. So so glad i didnt get bapped or marry a dub
most of family still in unfortunately.
Support groups to assist individuals to leave high control groups such as Jehovah's witnesses
by UnshackleTheChains injust watched ' one of us' on netflix about individuals who are trying to leave the hasidic orthodox jewish faith group (a high control group within judaism).. i found it interesting as those who rebel or leave are virtually ostracized from their community.
the documentary is an eye opener into their highly insular community.
one of the things i thought interesting is that there is a support group called footsteps to help hasidic jews wanting to leave the strict insular way of life so that they can move on with their lives.. this got me thinking.
Reahout Trust in UK is Chriatrian based but has volunteers who will support people wanting to leave cults particularly JWs. They only suport those who want to leave. Obviously theyre support is from a Christian perspective but they are not about recruiting for Christianity they are about suporting people to leave a unbiblical high control cult. Me and Mr angel are violunteers.
My only issue is volunteers arent trained counsellors and i think if you are going to offer support in something as complex as leaving a cult that you should be. I am training now with a view to specializing in this later.
Ive been out aprox 30 years and i didnt even know there was an ex JW community until 2 years ago.
Osmond Rd Brighton UK