Know we will not no.
No we will not know,
JW GB mirror the government line.
while reading some of the news this afternoon i came across an article titled the lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so scotland stops publishing data, that opened with this statement:.
if the truth hurts your narrative, you must censor it.
but what if your own information harms your own narrative?
Know we will not no.
No we will not know,
JW GB mirror the government line.
while reading some of the news this afternoon i came across an article titled the lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so scotland stops publishing data, that opened with this statement:.
if the truth hurts your narrative, you must censor it.
but what if your own information harms your own narrative?
Vaccines effect and disrupt. The effects on real lives is being revealed.
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
I do that as well, take care.
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
Oh, and Titch. I agree
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
Data dog, Neat Blue coloured Dog, Hoser, NW, Road to... Fed Up etc
True. Thoughtful and simply stated!
am the turd comes the closest to just coming right out and telling jws they have to do it.
he says, 'there's no need to worry, just keep doing what works: wear masks, wash your hands and get vaccinated when possible'.
the busybodies are going to be even more insufferable now than they have been.
So, so many thoughtful observations here. Thank you.
the wt study for this week is all about disfellowshipping.
in an early paragraph it said "think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!".
however when you think about it, when this happened according to the wt teaching, jehovah still engaged with satan in the heavens (book of job) and had conversations with him about what was going on in the earth.. so why do the wt org practice shunning when jehovah god obviously didn't?.
You make a good observation. The article only gave one point of view.
It looked at one aspect. Self centred adherents thrive on this aspect - how it is affecting . ... Me.
There is no empathy nor Christ like attitude in the “food” dished out here.
A balanced discussion of this topic of the WT study would include the one who has been stumbled. (In other words, a heretic).
Heretics don’t get a mention from WT. WT falsely labels heretics as apostates- effectively “cancelling” them.
a news article has the headline of " ‘case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"; see .
the article says in part the following.. 'the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the cop26 summit in glasgow.. the degree of scientific certainty about the impact of greenhouse gases is now similar to the level of agreement on evolution and plate tectonics, the authors say, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.
this means there is practically no doubt among experts that burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, peat and trees, is heating the planet and causing more extreme weather.. a previous survey in 2013 showed 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering earth’s climate.. this has been updated and expanded by the study by cornell university that shows the tiny minority of sceptical voices has diminished to almost nothing as evidence mounts of the link between fossil-fuel burning and climate disruption.. the latest survey of peer-reviewed literature published from 2012 to november 2020 was conducted in two stages.
There are many, many volcanoes spewing tons of CO2 and some for a while...
just saying!
the following is a conversation i had with my pimi father regarding a news segment on tv dealing with csa.
joe: that’s terrible the incidences of csa happening in the community.
dad: yes it is.
Hoping that your dad “clicked”. Had a conversation recently along the same lines with a PIMI friend at work. He was bagging all the other non JW groups and how bad they are.
There is such a bigoted attitude and view with most MSs and Es.
It is an “us and them” thing, they ordinary publisher truly does feel / think / live that way. Everything revolves around themselves and their religion. Think about the midweek meeting just past ... enforcing the persecution narrative.
look up the word “bigot”
when the “pandemic” arose early 2020, I said to him that it would be a great equaliser.
He said “ yea it’ll sort out some of those brothers that aren’t performing”
His world view could not see past the “brotherhood”
what I meant at the time was that the stuff happening now - Fake elections, Fear based fake Pandemic, problems with China and Facinating UFO fakery maybe/maybe not.... is NOT all about them and WT.
This is all about we as humans individually. Maybe by you dad’s silence one of his Blinkers fell off. (Forgive me if I compared him to a horse!)
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Jeffries, n Bobcat, well covered. Scholar is well schooled. Scholar does not “own his truth”.
Scholar is intelligent. (And aware of this).
Scholar is intelligent. ( as are some GB men).
Scholar is focused on strengthening his line of thought and 3 times for repetition via his repeated same lines here is evident he is determined.
Scholar should be on the GB. He is Sooo well suited.
Scholar must be immune. He is disobedient and an independent thinker.
The disciples of Jesus in the first century were the ones that SAW the Pharisees folly and and lit it up. !
Today Scholar is defending the one Jehovah has exposed, GB and will do so more and more.
Scholar DOES NOT own his truth. That is simple to see.
Scholar has sold out. He is trying to defend a teaching from a powerful Pharisee like group of men with atrocities in their recent history... and yet he is ignoring their much publicised “counsel” about coming to forums like this.
Any so called proofs he presents here are - by nature - Not Valid. Why?
Because Scholar himself IGNORES (by coming here). The advice from the GB themselves! (Who tell Scholar not to come here.)