Anecdotal experience aside, this is not a World-Ending Pandemic. No more people have died in 2020 than in 2019. Ignoring the hype of the Media and listening to the actual Science of many, many Doctors and Virologists who have been censored, you have about a 98% chance of beating Covid-19, IF.... IF you don’t have multiple co-morbidity issues.
More school age children die of the common flu every year than will die of Covid-19. Do we shut down schools every winter and lockdown businesses?? The panic and lockdowns and economic hardship and countless deaths that will occur because of the lockdowns and use of a never before used and rushed vaccine will eclipse the ACTUAL deaths from Covid-19.
I’m nearly 50, and have not had a vaccines since Kindergarten enrollment and have NEVER had a flu shot and spend many, many hours outside in all weather and am very rarely ever sick. I haven’t even set foot inside a Gym for 10 years!
Some of my co-workers got sick and tested positive. A few days later I started feeling weird, got a headache, and a low grade fever. I got tested and it was positive. So, I rested for a few days, ate soup, took naps, took meds to keep my fever down, ect. If I had never heard the term Covid, I would have taken DayQuil and went to work. I had no cough, no aches and pains, nothing but a low fever and a slight headache. That’s it. One week later I was completely back to normal.
Assuming the PCR test can be trusted ( do your research) and I didn’t just get a normal Flu, the Covid-19 did not even come close to killing me. I take Vitamin D, Zinc, C, do a bit of fasting when I feel like it, ect. I drink, smoke a pipe on occasion, don’t go to the gym and don’t take any medications. So go figure...
Are there problems on this planet? Yes! Do we need to take better care of the environment? Yes! Do we need to panic over a virus that is less deadly than the common Flu??? No! Do we need to destroy people’s lives with endless lockdowns and draconian measures like tazing women and veterans who don’t “mask up” and go off the trail at National Parks?? HELL NO!!!!
Do some digging. Stop living in fear.