Covid-19 Death Statistics:
Almost no one.....
Its tragic when the “no one” is your Grandma, or Parent, but the math doesn’t lie.
the watchtower sees the pandemic as a wake up call for inactive jehovah’s witnesses to wake up before it’s to late.. it’s a wake up call for all worldly people to takes sides with jehovah’s organization before the great tribulation breaks out world wide.
it’s a wake up call for all apostates to beg jehovah for mercy, meet with the elders, confess their sins, and accept the discipline meted by the elders, and (possibly----maybe----you may be concealed in the day of jehovah’s anger.).
on the other hand reality teaches us another thing.
Covid-19 Death Statistics:
Almost no one.....
Its tragic when the “no one” is your Grandma, or Parent, but the math doesn’t lie.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
The Moderna Vaccine definitely contains aborted fetus material. Furthermore, when Moderna submitted their studies and trial information to the FDA, they had to disclose the dangers and problems that are NOT being reported on by the legacy Media, and Faucci and Gates and Boris Johnson and all the hypocrites in power.
Moderna flat out tells you they don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine because sufficient time has not passed since this has been a rushed affair. They do tell you what happens to the animal test subjects, namely, death and infertility.
Humans have never created any vaccine that can truly make you immune to any Corona virus. This MNRA vaccine is not exception, and it has unique problems that are not present with a vaccine containing a given virus to stimulate your immune system.
What has been reported BY MODERNA TO THE FDA, is a “waning immune system” and a rejection of a fertilized egg because your new GMO DNA thinks a Zygote is bad and won’t allow it to attach to the wall of the Uterus. That means your sterile now. Not a bad deal if you want depopulation, which Globalists admit they do.
The immune system issue is also terrible. It works like this:
1) Normal vaccine: Your body creates antibodies and when stressed by a real virus it is ready to respond as the virus is known by the immune system. In theory, you are sick for less time, or barely sick at all and the virus doesn’t spread.
MRNA: Re-programs your cells to make the SARS Cov-2 spike protein. The animals that died seemed to be fine for a while according to Moderna, but when they introduced a Corona virus to the subject that had the MRNA Vaccine, they had a cytokine storm and died. Total system failure. Furthermore, Moderna admits there’s a potential issue of your immune system becoming weaker and weaker, “waning” as they put it.
Worst case scenario, you get the new, never before used on masses of humans vaccine, and you seem fine. Maybe you pass out, maybe you get Bells-Palsey.. just make sure not to have sex for two weeks after you get the vaccine because because Moderna doesn’t know what could happen if you get pregnant. Let’s say you have your second round ( never mind any mutations of Covid 19 that any current vaccine won’t even be effective against ) and you’re living your best life. Then you get Covid 19 again, or a new variety, or the Flu, and just like all the dead animals, you experience a cytokine storm. What would have made you sick for a week, and your natural immune system had a 99% chance of killing ( without serious co-morbidities ) now kills you. Forget going to hospital, you will probably die in the street.
Why would any sane person take this vaccine until sufficient time has passed for studies to continue? Especially when Covid-19 is a highly politicized, non-world ending virus? Even at 70, with a healthy immune system ( take your Vitamin D, Zinc, K, C, Quercitin, ect ) and no co-morbidities other than being older, your chances of survival are 94%.
Just look up Moderna’s documents they presented to the FDA to get their vaccine licensed. They are telling the FDA that they can’t know the risks to humans because they haven’t even come close to any type of sufficient trials. They just know the animals died horrible deaths instead of what they had hoped for, a great immune response, and the risk of being sterile is very,very real.
My advice is do not take it for any reason until sufficient studies have been done. WAIT... Be patient. Get a different job if they won’t let you work with out it. Work from home! Figure it out! Don’t travel if they want to make you take it. Screw them. Spend your money another way, like taking care of yourself, ect.
We are all here because at some level we knew we were being lied to and we did our own research. If you did that with TTATT, then you can find and read official documents about these vaccines and the very real risks associated with them. Faucci and the FDA/WHO/UN/Bill Gates/ Klaus Schwab should not be your new Governing Body. Don’t go back to sleep. Don’t join the Medical/Big Pharma/Social Media Cult and be sacrificed.
a while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .!avoitfxyvyqghq3gbmkhfyqp_jqp?e=8bttg1.
No USA version??
mt 10:18 (nwt):.
and you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.. how has this worked out for jwdom?
i always got the impression that jws would be brought before governments and would give some kind of grand, impressive witness.
The GB have utterly disgraced their “God-given” positions by dodging almost every opportunity to give a witness before Ceasar.
They are cowards and hypocrites.
hello, brothers.
i don't speak english, but i really want to share what i have.
so sorry for mistakes and style.. so, the all detected parallels (exact connections) between the quotes of daniel 11:44-12:7 and revelation 11:2-18 are:.
Have you ever considered that the current “Bible” is a collection of writings that people chose to put together and label as “God’s Word” because it fit the purpose they wanted to fulfill, namely controlling large numbers of people through a centralized Authority/Government?
Who gave them the right to ignore countless other ancient writings and exclude them from “God’s Word?”
Have you ever considered there is absolutely nothing special about Jewish people, nothing that sets them apart from any other race, and therefore they are not a chosen people and none of those writings have any modern significance?
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
“In London and other parts of England hospitals are beginning to fill up and can’t take new patients.”
I would ask, “Have you personally toured these hospitals?”
I ask because it has been reported that “some” hospitals have set aside certain areas for “Covid” patients, but not every possible/available bed is set aside. When those 20-30 ( just an example/number ) Beds available are at capacity the Hospital says the are overwhelmed....
In the USA the media has been covering up some shady practice by Hospitals, especially NYC... Follow the $$$
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
It is weird to call them “Leftist” but the more I meet other Xians the more I realize that the GB/WT are more like Communists than Bible believing evangelical/patriotic folks.
They do want their God to kill off most of humanity and then live in an eternal Commune/Utopia..
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
I have an Aunt and Uncle who tested positive. They are in their 70’s. She was a little sick, but had been taking Vitamin D, C, Zinc Quercitin, ect because she has diabetes and for some reason her Dr. had suggest those vitamins for other reasons. My uncle had not been taking anything, but also had 1/3 of a missing lung. He felt terrible and went into the hospital, he never came out once they put him on the respirator.
Many of their peer group got sick, but pulled through as they opted for oxygen and didn’t get on the respirator.
On that note, I recently watched an interview with an ex-Military Nurse who moved from Florida to work in the Hospitals in NY, because they were “swamped” and needed help. She was hired and sat in a hotel for a couple weeks... all the while making thousands of dollars a week.
She reported that once you go on the respirator, you’re probably dead. 9/10 on average died once they went on that machine.
All these events are anecdotal of course, but as the numbers continue to come out, as the truth continues to come out, as people continue to come forward, it’s being proven that a lot of shady business is going on. Also, even in the older age bracket, without co-morbidities, you’re survival rate is still in the 94% range.
It sucks that people are dying. It’s sucks that it’s a family member. It sucks when it happens to you, but that doesn’t change the facts. Covid-19 is overblown, people in charge overreacted, now they have to back-pedal and eat crow and they avoid that at all costs for political reasons, reasons of ego, ect. These lockdowns will destroy far more lives than Covid-19.
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
The statistics don’t lie. Many, many, Doctors and Virologists- Top Virologists (being censored) even an early whistle blower in Wu-Han, disagree with the claim that Covid-19 is a deadly pandemic.
Many mistakes were made with models predicting death numbers. PCR testing is a problem as it leads to high case numbers which dictate these insane lockdown measures based on CASES not actual death rates.
There’s a mountain of evidence on Covid-19 not being the deadly pandemic is was feared to be, and many, many whistleblowers coming forward about the corrupt practices of many Hospitals who directly benefit financially from “Covid” deaths. You just have to search for it.
The problem is that no one wants to say, “Oh Shit... we really overreacted and screwed people’s lives by locking everything down, and then freaking out, arresting folks for walking their dogs, and then freaking out more and tazing folks, and spreading needless fear.”
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
Anecdotal experience aside, this is not a World-Ending Pandemic. No more people have died in 2020 than in 2019. Ignoring the hype of the Media and listening to the actual Science of many, many Doctors and Virologists who have been censored, you have about a 98% chance of beating Covid-19, IF.... IF you don’t have multiple co-morbidity issues.
More school age children die of the common flu every year than will die of Covid-19. Do we shut down schools every winter and lockdown businesses?? The panic and lockdowns and economic hardship and countless deaths that will occur because of the lockdowns and use of a never before used and rushed vaccine will eclipse the ACTUAL deaths from Covid-19.
I’m nearly 50, and have not had a vaccines since Kindergarten enrollment and have NEVER had a flu shot and spend many, many hours outside in all weather and am very rarely ever sick. I haven’t even set foot inside a Gym for 10 years!
Some of my co-workers got sick and tested positive. A few days later I started feeling weird, got a headache, and a low grade fever. I got tested and it was positive. So, I rested for a few days, ate soup, took naps, took meds to keep my fever down, ect. If I had never heard the term Covid, I would have taken DayQuil and went to work. I had no cough, no aches and pains, nothing but a low fever and a slight headache. That’s it. One week later I was completely back to normal.
Assuming the PCR test can be trusted ( do your research) and I didn’t just get a normal Flu, the Covid-19 did not even come close to killing me. I take Vitamin D, Zinc, C, do a bit of fasting when I feel like it, ect. I drink, smoke a pipe on occasion, don’t go to the gym and don’t take any medications. So go figure...
Are there problems on this planet? Yes! Do we need to take better care of the environment? Yes! Do we need to panic over a virus that is less deadly than the common Flu??? No! Do we need to destroy people’s lives with endless lockdowns and draconian measures like tazing women and veterans who don’t “mask up” and go off the trail at National Parks?? HELL NO!!!!
Do some digging. Stop living in fear.