If it comes from the CDC directly then it’s going to aid the CDC narrative… It’s like Faucci saying there was no Gain Of Function research when the paper trail of patents provides irrefutable proof.
Now, Dr. Steven Quay, on of the most cited Scientists in the world released the results of his Bayesian analysis and the odds against SARS COV-2 coming from nature are 10 to the 80th power against it…. So it’s 99.8% certain it’s man-made.
- An overly conservative Bayesian analysis shows beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is laboratory derived. There’s a 99.8% probability SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory and only a 0.2% likelihood it came from nature
- None of the 80,000 samples from 209 different animal species has been found to contain SARS-CoV-2
- Of the first 259 cases in China, not one was traced back to animal contact. All were human-to-human transmissions. This is the equivalent of going to Las Vegas and flipping a coin and getting heads 259 times, which is virtually impossible
- When one combines these two statistical anomalies, the real likelihood of the virus coming from nature is less than one in all the atoms of the universe — 1080 — which is a very, very large number, making it virtually impossible
Here we have another expert who is not in the pocket of the CDC or Big Pharma sharing vital information.