“ Say I just saw a news broadcast that said that Florida is having more infections now than any time since the virus outbreak and that people that are being admitted into their ICUs are all unvacinated”
What news broadcast? Are you sure it’s accurate? Are you willing to listen to an expert who disagrees and weigh all the evidence, or do you just want your “Team” to win?
I’m just wondering as toxic tribalism is a real problem right now. Asking yourself if you really want accurate information or just want to “win” is something I constantly ask myself and I highly recommend it.
Governments have a role in society, but need to be kept in check. History is full of examples of Government corruption and overreach.
The fact that your go-to mode is attacks and labeling leads me to surmise that your mindset isn’t far off from a JW.
Can you explain why specialists the world over aren’t being given a platform, but are instead being censored by Big Tech who are heavily invested in the success of MRNA shots? This success requires vaccinating as many as possible now, with the plan of booster shots. In other words, following the formula for the flu-shot, aka, customers for life.
I await your next insult.