If things go back to the way they were with actual meetings and field service there will be a MASSIVE increase in mental illness among Dubs.
Also, IF that happens, this Utopian get together you speak of will not be the standard, that will be squashed quickly and those people not towing the line will be “marked” for the loving Shepherds to “adjust.”
Will it happen across the board or will there be test runs of the old ways? I don’t know, but it’s historically been Jeehoober’s way or the Highway with no concern whatsoever for the inconvenience or harm done to the Sheeple. Just think about ALL the expenses of being a Dub. The time and money spent on Field Circus activities, the wear and tear on vehicles, the time to drive to Con-Ventions, the lodging expenses, the contributions, the income lost because of missing work/opportunities, ect. Not to mention the mental cost of forced association with humans ( some perverts for sure…and general idiots ) that you would NEVER associate with otherwise.
I don’t see them rebranding that drastically until the current Gibbering Buddies die off. With Real Estate selling at all time highs I’ve seen ZERO Kingdumb Halls sold in my area… ZERO.
If there was ever a time to rebrand permanently and make Warwick a kind of mandatory Mecca for your E-religion Sheeple then now is that time, but I think at the end of the day the GB are just too witless to see the opportunity.