I’ll have what you’re smoking.
no subtlety here, it's going to be obvious where i'm going with this.
please consider the following scenario.. you're seated on a railway platform bench waiting for your train.
a high speed intercity is about to hurtle through without stopping when you see a small child running to the platforms edge!
I’ll have what you’re smoking.
no subtlety here, it's going to be obvious where i'm going with this.
please consider the following scenario.. you're seated on a railway platform bench waiting for your train.
a high speed intercity is about to hurtle through without stopping when you see a small child running to the platforms edge!
If someone came into my yard with the intent to harm my child, I may be forced to act. That is a far cry from me, as a parent ( God ) telling my children ( Israel ) to go into other people’s yards and kill them, and their children, and their servants, and their animals, just because maybe someday they could be a bad influence on my children…
no subtlety here, it's going to be obvious where i'm going with this.
please consider the following scenario.. you're seated on a railway platform bench waiting for your train.
a high speed intercity is about to hurtle through without stopping when you see a small child running to the platforms edge!
My point is this… If there is a GOD, it’s not what we think/imagine it to be. Yes, any GOD that is pictured as loving, but allows children to die or commands followers to kill innocent children that just happen to be born in another tribe isn’t all-loving…
Also, what does anything amount to in the end if there’s no afterlife or our consciousness doesn’t survive in some way? Maybe we make this existence that possibly has zero purpose a little easier for the next atom-splitting Bonobo that comes later, but maybe not?
Here’s a scenario for you. You see the child teetering on the brink of the tracks. With no thought of your own safety ( how heroic ) you save the child but you lose your own life. All the other Bonobos praise you for the duration of the News Cycle. ( Remember the Submarine deaths? Now you do. See what I mean? ) A few random family members occasionally think of you from time to time…
The child that you saved goes home to it’s abusive parents and grows up to be an addict that abuses it’s own children. One of those children becomes a serial killer who enjoys pushing people in front of trains.
Now what?
no subtlety here, it's going to be obvious where i'm going with this.
please consider the following scenario.. you're seated on a railway platform bench waiting for your train.
a high speed intercity is about to hurtle through without stopping when you see a small child running to the platforms edge!
If God exists, allowing suffering doesn’t mean God is not acting. Perhaps it’s a mistake to assume God thinks like we do. The Child/Train/Bystander scenario makes sense to us as humans, but it may not mean anything at all to God.
We can’t be sure that God hasn’t allowed our consciousness to exist in physical form and that whenever our physical form dies, however that happens, whenever it happens, that we suffer any real harm at all, especially in view of existing beyond time/space. We could be spiritual beings having a physical experience by choice.
A child falls into the path of a train, a Submarine crew is crushed to death, a newborn baby dies, you die at 100, none of it matters. It’s a blip on the radar..
it should be starting to become more clear to people what i've stated for years on this site.
the threat against religion that becomes pivotal will come from lgbtq politicians forcing through " hate crime" bills aimed at religions.
in the past i have had a " maybe" statement from only one commenter.
Nah… The LBGQT blah, blah… is a fringe minority compared to the rest of the population, at least in the US. Just look at Dillan Mul… wish I cared.. and Bud Light if you want to know what’s actually happening.
Corporations virtue signaled and made $$$ off varying LBGQT projects and rode that gravy train for all it was worth, but as soon as they realized it was fleeting and that most common sense people are getting fed up and will take their money elsewhere they changed their tune. Their moral high ground was simply an illusion, or virtue signaling which isn’t sustainable.
Also, the hate crime angle will not work in the long run. There will be a civil war if the current idiocy continues, even Democrats are beginning to understand this.
you still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
Nope. You don’t get off that easy. Do some research and you can start with watching the JRE Podcast. I know it’s hard for many of you shake off ideological possession, but try to keep up.
you still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
True…. Now, more than ever I’m glad I walked away when I did…
you still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
So what happens when Robert Kennedy Jr starts doing more and more interviews as he runs for POTUS, exposing the corruption in Big Pharma and warning the American people about the dangers of unsafe vaccines? What if he actually wins and begins reforming Big Pharma? Will the GB then say that the “Superior Authorities” want them to avoid unsafe vaccines from a corrupt business in Satan’s system of things?? Will all J-Dumbs who suffered vaccine injuries or who died suddenly just be ignored?
canada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
Obama was a terrible President like nearly all Presidents because he was a Figurehead and lied just like the rest. It’s extremely easy to compare campaign promises to reality and to listen to his own words ( speech writer ) condemning him. Obama’s purpose was to create more Black Democratic voters and to be the token Black President. Most are so dumb that it worked.
Yep, it sucks. Follow the $$. Most intelligent people in the US don’t want an NHS. They do want an end to waste and corruption in the current system, including and 3 Letter Organizations you can imagine which profit massively from keeping the average American Sheeple unhealthy.
The Left loves to salivate over the “root cause” of this and that, but they don’t want to talk about the root cause of most “Western” diseases. In case you don’t know, it’s 💩 Food, and 💩 Lifestyle for most people.
The solution is to fix the root cause but most are lazy and ignorant and Billions of dollars are allocated to keep them in that condition so the system generates revenue from their illness until they die. Wash, rinse, repeat…
Emergency issues are easy, even without insurance. Don’t pay. Then ask for financial assistance. If you want Stem Cells or some other procedure then go to Mexico. 😂
Trillions to Ukraine and their corrupt, leather/high-heel wearing Buffon of a Figurehead, but shit healthcare for the tax payers who fund everything… makes sense…
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Is The Last Days a JW thing that has been leaked? I’m confused. I think when I saw “JW” together with “Fact Check” it hurt my brain…