Career politicians, Corporations and the Clergy are reading out of the same book. It’s called “F**K the general population and make money.”
Career politicians, Corporations and the Clergy are reading out of the same book. It’s called “F**K the general population and make money.”
so the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
as imperfect and flawed capitalism is, it has worked better than other forms of economic and political systems-so far.
it’s very simple in “theory.” capitalism is an economic and-or, political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
in other words, keep government out of it as much as possible.
Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, they have acquired wealth, and the power and influence that go with it. The real concern is this... Does great wealth equate with the right to dictate who can speak, or who can do business, or who must take a completely new and untested vaccine?
Does wealth give them the right to influence elections through censorship, or dictate public health policies and medical care because of the undue influence their wealth affords them?
It’s the way of the world I guess. The peasants can revolt, and when the smoke clears new leaders/Super-Rich will rise. Wash, rinse, repeat..
when i say; “socialist” i don’t mean everyone is equal.
instead i am referring to “leaders” being rich and powerful, whereas the ordinary citizen being poor, and powerless.. i was surprise that the majority of the world is run by socialist government.
the last few countries that are not socialist are the united states and parts of europe.
I don’t believe freedom exists. It’s a thing we tell ourselves. In the USA, we have “freedom” to operate within certain boundaries. It’s like operating within the Matrix, it’s just that there is no real world to escape to, unless you want to say that going off the grid and being a survivalist is freedom. Even then your life is affected by so many things that are out of your control, with the ultimate limit being aging and death.
That being said, it appears that what’s happening now is a bit unprecedented because we have a multi-national group of Globalists pushing a socialist/communist agenda with the backing of Big Tech and the Mainstream/Legacy Media, all backed by China. They want a One World Government and there will be no Middle Class, only tiers of the wealthy and the slaves.
We are all slaves already, with a bit of room to run around the maze if we are lucky, room to gather more cheese if we want, have a big nest if we can afford it, but we are still not free.
What’s coming is even worse because essentially a Global Corporation will run everything, own everything and every one, at least those left alive after the next round of lockdowns and the coming depression/vaccinations if Biden is elected and Bill Gates gets his way.
As the Globalists say, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
These elite f***s want to be Gods. If there is an Anti-Christ and it’s a collective entity then it’s the Globalists.
seeing on another post here about former jws throwing away literature.
i am curious as to the various opinions on there value.. for me i have been inactive for 3 years almost 4. i still have alot of books and of course all their bibles ever produced (except a few from the 1800s.).
in my opinion i think there are four books the jws produced that are useful:.
They haven’t “produced” anything useful in the history of their existence if we take a moment to realize that anything useful they have “published” was taken from another source and was not an original/educated thought on the part of the WT writers.
Start by subtracting everything we know to be false, then subtract all the misquotes, followed by all quotes taken out of context, then all the speculation, ect. Whatever may be left that is factual, like secular advice, or common sense advice, did not originate with the Watchtower or the Gibbering Buddies, or the Writing Department, so they have actually produced nothing of benefit, ever..
i had to read this paragraph twice in case i'd misread it the first time.
who is he trying to kid!?
mr gomez says, "there's very little rules, if any, most of our conduct is governed by principles, and there's a lot of room for us to make personal choices.
As I told the Eldubs in my congregation, “If you take a “principle” and enforce it across the board then it’s a rule.”
I think their brains stopped computing for a moment before the continued with their Kangaroo Court.
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Who make up the patients in this Hockey Ring? What’s the demographic? Can you provide the age, race, co-morbidity factors, and the exact testing methods used to determine a “positive”COVID test?
Don’t get me wrong, one death is too many for any family. My GF lost an Uncle, but he was over 75, not taking any Vitamin D, C, or Zinc and had multiple co-morbidity factors. Once they put him on a ventilator it was all over.
We aren’t saying that COVID isn’t real. We aren’t saying it isn’t sad. It’s just ridiculous to shut down the economy, enforce unconstitutional restrictions, arrest people, censor people, even virologists, because they dare to question the Media/Social Media who are OWNED.....
Do yourself a favor and read some white papers from the UN/WEF/Klaus Schwab. COVID-19 and the Great Reset....
Before you say that’s a conspiracy theory, Time magazine did a cover of The Great Reset, and the WEF celebrated it the very day the NYT magazine said it wasn’t real, and Justin Trudeau is all about it. COVID is the perfect opportunity for a “Reset.”
You see, just like the Dubs and the GB, it doesn’t matter if we believe it... THEY believe it. The Globalists who want a New World Order/One World Government believe 💯 in their superiority and right to rule humanity and in their quest to save us from ourselves by any means necessary. That includes destroying what IS, to “Build Back Better”, and if they succeed they will be on top and you will be on the bottom.
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Tell that to all the people being arrested in Australia or shot with water cannons in Germany, or the multitude of Doctors and Virologist being censored for not pushing the narrative of the mainstream news and the UN, WHO, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who directly benefit from the lockdowns. It’s about the completely arbitrary and contradictory and unconstitutional measures being forced on the general population.
It’s not about wearing masks out of courtesy for others, (which are proven to be virtually useless) it’s about the over the top Draconian measures and irrational, authoritarian behaviors taking place by Governments who will NEVER give back what they take, but they will give you a “Freedom Pass” if you obey.
According to Bill Gates, your un-elected Overlord, things will NEVER be allowed to go back to normal. Meanwhile, China, ( who uses slaves to make I-phones ) and Big Tech, and the Media owned by the likes of Bezos, and all the Politicians who own stock in vaccines and Microsoft and Apple, and all the BIG stores like Walmart, Target, Amazon, ect, make BILLIONS while censorship is at an all time high.
Ex-JWs you say? Who better to smell the propaganda and fear mongering to consolidate power? Who better to sense the utter hypocrisy of shutting down the economy based on case numbers? Who better to see the insane Orwellian world headed our way if people just accept slavery to the Elite?
watchtower examination has a youtube video about subliminal images drawn by the watchtower's art department.
i'm not a professional artist but i see too many strange and hidden images in this drawing.
i have boxed four examples of hidden images.
I can’t tell what your claiming is hidden in these particular pictures, but I’ve seen plenty that aren’t just “tired brush work.”
There are too many that took intentional effort and aren’t just “seeing faces in clouds.”
I can’t remember which magazine it was but there’s a depiction of Armageddon complete with a vortex and Demon/Alien faces in the clouds that took deliberate effort. The Greatest Man book had some artwork removed which showed demon/alien faces as well.
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Right on, Sigfrid! Where is the outrage and paranoia for all those preventable deaths, where is the paranoia due to flu season? Should we shut the economy down??
Meanwhile, guess who’s open for business? CHINA... Guess who’s getting richer? Bill Gates, Bezos, Wal-Mart... But you need to shut down your small business, wear a mask inside your home on Thanksgiving, avoid alcohol, singing, ect.
Oh yeah, while the Government stooges are having fancy dinners with lobbyists on your dime, while not wearing masks, they will decide how best to implement Universal Income for you. They will also make sure you get your vaccinations so you can have your travel pass, and they will track you with contact tracing.
Disobey and you lose your privileges, just like China! Did I mention they are open for business??