Something to think about:
1) Maybe all Xian religions are OWNED. Think about it. We were conditioned to expect a New System… aka, predictive programming for the Great Reset.
2) Who wants the “New System?” Globalists.
3) What do they admit to wanting? Depopulation.
4) What is helping to create chaos needed for The Great Reset? Covid-19
5) Who wrote “Covid-19 and The Great Reset”?? Klaus Schwab.
6) Who is Klaus Schwab? Leader of the WEF, a Globalist Group/Cult.
7) What could very well kill more people than we could ever imagine via lack of prevention for corona viruses including Covid-19 on the part of the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, ect? Covid-19 in tandem with an experimental MRNA shot that causes immune system weakness.
8) Who’s pushing it? FDA, CDC, NIH, Faucci, Gates..
9) Who does Gates work with/perhaps for? The WEF..
10) What cause would directly benefit from mass death, destabilizing economies? The Great Reset.
DD 🤔