“So what your saying then AM is that social restrictions were pointless as well vaccinations ?”
1) That’s what I’m saying. Some experts feel the same, some believe the MRNA shots are helpful for some, and unnecessary for others, and that consent to any medical treatment should only occur when ALL the facts are presented so that an informed, not coerced decision can be made.
The makers of these MRNA shots know full well that some people can and will die. That’s why they have worked hard to pay the right people so as to be free of any and all liabilities due to injuries.
“So lets say there were no social restrictions or mask wearing laws in the US ever imposed, the amount of infections would be well over a million + and deaths well over a million by now.”
2) There is no way that you, or anyone else can prove that statement.
“With some as you say building up an immunity against the virus, a truly worthy endeavor ?”
3) I don’t even know what you are saying.
“I guess it might be all fair well if you are not one those million.”
4) Again, how are proving this number?
”So if you were one those unfortunate who had to go to a hospital and lay in bed for over a month with a oxygen tube up your nose, would you still have the same opinion about the whole matter “
5) Yes. Covid-19 is a virus that can kill, just like any Corona virus can under the right circumstances. If my parents had died of Covid-19 because they have weak immune systems and are old that doesn’t change the facts about insane lockdowns that cause supply chain issues, and deaths from delayed medical treatments, suicide, ect.