What you shared about the “approved” vaccine was more accurate than what I shared. Thanks.
They are playing games with these medical treatments and making Billions.
great news.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254.
pfizer's two-dose covid-19 vaccine has received full approval from the us food and drug administration (fda) - the first jab to be licensed in the nation.. .
the vaccine had initially been given emergency use authorisation.
What you shared about the “approved” vaccine was more accurate than what I shared. Thanks.
They are playing games with these medical treatments and making Billions.
great news.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254.
pfizer's two-dose covid-19 vaccine has received full approval from the us food and drug administration (fda) - the first jab to be licensed in the nation.. .
the vaccine had initially been given emergency use authorisation.
How do you feel about obese fat f**k people who burden the health care system? Better yet, how do you feel about Governments who refuse to incentivize healthy life styles? Diseases labeled “preventable” have killed far, far more people and cost far, far more money than those who died of “Covid.”
This is especially true when you consider how many deaths were falsely labeled as “Covid” deaths, and when you consider that barely any more people died in 2020 than in 2019, if any…
Where is your righteous indignation over preventable disease?
“My opinion is that a person like that would be a bit like a drug addict, that, due to their utter selfishness, sucks medical resources and time away from genuinely sick people.”
The above statement is pure nonsense and a false analogy. There is no valid comparison to a drug addict willingly taking a substance into their body, and a healthy individual ignoring propaganda and making an informed decision concerning a medical procedure never before used en mass on human beings that has ZERO long term studies.
The Pfizer vaccine isn’t even “approved” exactly because approval removes the emergency use authorization freedom of liability for damages BY LAW, and would also require that the remaining “vaccines” like the J&J, be completely discontinued as the Pfizer shot would be the “safe and effective” treatment existing which means that BY LAW, no other emergency use authorization can take place. Do yourself a favor and get away from the Mainstream Media and dig into the legal side of things.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the “Approved” Pfizer shot’s true safety and efficacy data is not expected to be available to the public until 2025.
I’m perfectly healthy, and through no fault of my own I got “Covid” and because my immune system is healthy I took a week off work. I could have taken Theraflu and worked, but because I’m considerate and didn’t know what I had, I stayed home. That’s common courtesy. There is ZERO reason for me to take an experimental gene therapy shot.
Claiming it’s the fault of anyone, vaccinated and non-vaccinated for catching something most likely cooked up in a lab by greedy, completely immoral idiots screwing around with gain of function research is the height of lunacy. Do you believe people sprayed with DDT are to blame? There’s a proper analogy for you.
Why don’t you get back to me when these shots do ANYTHING they were actually promised to do, and when Vaccinated people aren’t catching and spreading Covid.
great news.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254.
pfizer's two-dose covid-19 vaccine has received full approval from the us food and drug administration (fda) - the first jab to be licensed in the nation.. .
the vaccine had initially been given emergency use authorisation.
I would walk away from ANY job, no matter the pay if they tried to force me to have any medical procedure.
There will come a time when Employers and businesses who “shunned” healthy people for not wanting an unnecessary vaccine will regret that decision.
This Fear-Porn mixed with virtue signaling nonsense will not end well.
great news.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254.
pfizer's two-dose covid-19 vaccine has received full approval from the us food and drug administration (fda) - the first jab to be licensed in the nation.. .
the vaccine had initially been given emergency use authorisation.
Jazzbo, I have a few questions about your post.
1) Who are anti-vaccine “Lunatics”?? Does this include Virology experts warning of the dangers of untested medical procedures? Please elaborate as we know that “he who defines the terms controls the argument.”
2) “ The fact that they repeatedly lie about results and twist the statistics tells you what you need to know.” What “lies” are you referring to?
3) “ I know a lot of vaccinated people, they have had zero problems.” That’s great, but completely anecdotal. Systems for tracking adverse reactions from vaccines in multiple countries have reported thousands of cases where people experienced severe problems, even death. These are not anecdotal experiences.
4) “The people that I know that got Covid were not vaccinated.” Again, this is anecdotal. In the beginning of this whole situation no one was vaccinated so 100% of persons getting Covid were unvaccinated. The real question is why are persons who are fully vaccinated still getting and spreading Covid? Also, how many of the unvaccinated persons you know died? What co-morbidities did they have? Advanced age? High BMI? Existing health problems?
5) “The people in the local hospitals that got vaccinated and then got the virus were immune compromised so they didn't generate anti-bodies.” Are you saying people with compromised immune systems got Covid after they were vaccinated? Did getting vaccinated not help them at all? How many of these people died?
so, there's been a lot of talk on social media, blaming trump for the current crisis that began at the weekend.. it's a load of bullsh!t from deluded people who are desperate to blame anyone but joe biden, the idiot they voted for or at least wanted to win last november.. there is only one person, just one person, to blame: joe biden.. he has the heavy burden of making tough presidential decisions.. and after this debacle, it's reasonable to ask if he's up to making such decisions..
I doubt there will be any sweeping “Republican” victory coming. All the Elites need to do is use the Media to sow more fear about another magical SARS variant and declare a full scale lockdown, ensuring mail in voting for all the new “citizens” flooding the US border.
Add is some creative accounting on the part of woke, Far Left criminals, and Biden’s new Domestic Terrorism definition, aka, anyone who protests anything Covid or anything related to Elections and you’ve got yourself another win.
so, there's been a lot of talk on social media, blaming trump for the current crisis that began at the weekend.. it's a load of bullsh!t from deluded people who are desperate to blame anyone but joe biden, the idiot they voted for or at least wanted to win last november.. there is only one person, just one person, to blame: joe biden.. he has the heavy burden of making tough presidential decisions.. and after this debacle, it's reasonable to ask if he's up to making such decisions..
It’s almost as if Biden’s handlers want to sow as much chaos as possible and affect the US economy, destabilize the US by flooding it with immigration, and also destroy Foreign relationships, ect.
I can’t imagine anyone wanting to promote chaos because the only “solution” would be “security” in the place of freedom. Who would want to do that? The only possible group would be the Super-Elite Globalist/One World/New Order/Great Reset/ UN Cucks and that can’t possibly be true. That would require Elites viewing the world as theirs and all non-elites as Consumers/Laborers or pawns..
DD 🤔
so, there's been a lot of talk on social media, blaming trump for the current crisis that began at the weekend.. it's a load of bullsh!t from deluded people who are desperate to blame anyone but joe biden, the idiot they voted for or at least wanted to win last november.. there is only one person, just one person, to blame: joe biden.. he has the heavy burden of making tough presidential decisions.. and after this debacle, it's reasonable to ask if he's up to making such decisions..
Biden is just the lighting-rod for the frustration. He’s not in charge. As Shadowclone said, you can’t trust Politicians. Whatever or whoever is pulling the strings needs to be rooted out and then burned.
the following is an urgent email message (except i deleted mention of my name and links which might include information about me,) i received from american atheists regarding the need to get the covid-19 vaccine.. ".
for months, we've thought that vaccine rates have been incredibly strong among our community..
for example, a pew poll in march found that 90% of atheist respondents indicated they'd already received the first vaccine dose or would "definitely" or "probably" seek the shot..
“ raw data being released by the individual health authorities of each state, province and nation.”
Yes, let’s listen to the same people who can’t get their story straight while actively censoring experts from around the world; the same people who just happen to have financial ties to the success of the mainstream narrative and the “vaccines.”
“ Just like Jews have higher intelligence quotients, blacks are better at speed positions in sports, ex-Jws tend to be gullible idiots.”
Lol. What an idiot… or Troll, or both…
the following is an urgent email message (except i deleted mention of my name and links which might include information about me,) i received from american atheists regarding the need to get the covid-19 vaccine.. ".
for months, we've thought that vaccine rates have been incredibly strong among our community..
for example, a pew poll in march found that 90% of atheist respondents indicated they'd already received the first vaccine dose or would "definitely" or "probably" seek the shot..
Here you go! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/opinion/fake-news-media-attention.amp.html
This article is like the GB urging the Sheeple to guard against “critical thinking” because they aren’t smart enough to spot propaganda. Instead, just read what we say to read, and follow our footnotes to the troof.
Do you remember learning TTATT and trying to verify a quote from a WT, only to learn that the source was another WT article? 🤣🤣🤣
If you can understand how ludicrous that is, then you can see through the SIFT method.
the following is an urgent email message (except i deleted mention of my name and links which might include information about me,) i received from american atheists regarding the need to get the covid-19 vaccine.. ".
for months, we've thought that vaccine rates have been incredibly strong among our community..
for example, a pew poll in march found that 90% of atheist respondents indicated they'd already received the first vaccine dose or would "definitely" or "probably" seek the shot..
Google is tricksy…. Gotta watch out or they will send you in circles. It’s no coincidence the NYT had an article about only following the S.I.F.T method of research. That’s what “educated” people do.