Anyone who believes the experimental jabs that were rushed through to the public are “safe and effective” needs to bone up on the standard operating procedures of approving vaccines. There is absolutely no way of knowing the long term effects of these medical treatments. The long term studies were simply never done. That is a fact.
To claim they saved lives and therefore are a good thing for any religion to push on their members is a very simplistic, low resolution viewpoint.
When damages from the Jabs continue to gain coverage, as they will, and honest debate gains coverage, as it will, who will assume liability for the irreversible damages caused to many by these medical procedures given emergency use authorization? Keep in mind that Big Pharma has members on the Boards of the Main Stream Media and a close partner of Faucci is on record stating the need to use the Media to induce fear so that the Public would accept these new treatments that will make Big Pharma billions and billions and billions of dollars.
The jabs are not a miracle product that saved humanity, they are an experimental medical procedure that has real risks. No Religious group should pressure or coerce their members to accept or deny any medical procedure. Medical procedures are a personal choice that should only take place with informed consent.