A thought occurred to me during this whole extortion letter sent out through the Email Delivery System.
JLE is wanting €3000 from most people (seriously JLE if you are reading, it took me seconds to find the symbol!!!)
Specifically though, from both Mike and Kim and Marc and Cora he wants €8000 - WHY?
I can only surmise that both Marc and Cora and Mike and Kim have something really good on JLE in the way that could ruin him forever. That's why JLE wants to shut them up. I have been pondering for the past few hours on this and that is only what I can surmise. Marc went public, repeated only what JLE himself had admitted to and then handed in evidence to the police inviting JLE to get himself to a UK police station and come clean. Mike and Kim, I love you guys, but just by being on Youtube, you are a massive thorn in JLE's side and whether or not you have substantial evidence, he just wants to take you down, because you have quite a nice following of people.
I don't want it confirmed by you guys if what I have surmised is the case with having more evidence that JLE wants silenced. These extortion letters tell me he is one scared little crybaby, watching his patrons go down quicker than a plane crash and wishing it would all go away.
JLE if you are reading - it's not going to go away. Best just to hand yourself in because Sexual Exploitation is a CRIME! In Croatia, England and Thailand (if you procured any there) or was it just Croatia? JLE you clutch at straws hoping this will all go away, but the fact of the matter is, you admitted to criminal activity in a public broadcast - drunk I may add, and drink speaks the truth. When you sobered up, and replayed it getting your jollies off of it most likely, because you are a narc, you went - OHHHH! SHIIIIIITE and immediately took it down.
Following video is the real world of "prostitution" - this is the reality. They are coerced, brainwashed just like JW's and it's time it stopped!