According to his business filing, he was born September 1979, making him currently 42
Thanks Non coin collector. I retract the 1977. I must have mixed him up with someone else. My bad.
original reddit post (removed).
According to his business filing, he was born September 1979, making him currently 42
Thanks Non coin collector. I retract the 1977. I must have mixed him up with someone else. My bad.
original reddit post (removed).
This Lloydy Boy @r$3 licker again? Caught on Kim and Mikey's retweet.
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He's 40...ish!!
He was born in Septmeber 1977, so he is currently 44, turning 45 this year. This is publicly available knowledge just so you know because it's on his filing work for his company called JLE Publishing on the UK governments webpage called Companies House.
original reddit post (removed).
Please don't publish his home address or any information that he has not, himself, made public.
His address is already public. If you check the filing history, you'll find it.
Also his father's company which he was a secratary of until 17 April 2022. I reckon daddy was upset about his Thai vacay
original reddit post (removed).
That guy isn't PIMO, I think he's fishing - be careful.
I will let the group owner know of your concerns Simon.
original reddit post (removed).
Can I have a link to the UKxjw group?
I've linked the page. One of the admin team will pick up on it. They are very good with PIMO's - all PIMO's info is kept secure and they advise using an alias on facebook. The group is secret/hidden because obviously they don't want your family members/friends who are still JW's to catch on. The group cannot be found in a facebook search for this reason.
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Lloyd is still one of the best ex jdub activists but that does say much about ex jdub activism
I completely disagree with you on that point. There are many other activists out there doing a far better job offline. There is a support group here and the UKXJW's support group which is purely for support and no Lloyd loving/bashing at all.
I think we are all confusing the word activist with youtuber. Lloyd is a youtuber. I can think of many other youtubers that are much better;
Kim Mikey
JW Beliefs Discussed
Marc Cora
Fateful Slave
Kim Silvio (now who has started her own channel)
Katie Kitten (aka Louise)
Coach De Free
The Great Apostate
Kevin McFree
Son of Thunder
JW Suicides
Stephanie Maria
Spoonfed No More
The Apostate Family
Never Stop Searching For Truth
Dang this list is getting long. My point is, there are many other youtubers better than Lloyd. Lloyd got all of his information from Paul Grundy(JW Facts) at the beginning. He has used and abused many people taking their information and pretending he had an informant. :unamused:
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The courthouse ?
See when you know how scammers work, you start to notice some things. This is how the UK tax scam works and vulnerable people get taken in by it. The scammer shows the same number from the UK courthouse as proof. Scammers need to be master manipulators. With James Lloyd Evans posting just an address to his twitter account, with nothing else, no substance of that, makes me very suspicious. Anyone could do it! Maybe it's a court letter about his divorce and not about so called litigation. :see_no_evil:
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Every time he tweets I think of this song. Some of the lyrics are pretty applicable too:
Simon, I think of this one - "Icon of self indulgence"
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I don't know what happened there with my writing underneath the yellow in my post
I basically said to the user that this is a public forum and as JLE has already asked that question on Kim's youtube video, it's very suss. Not only that but it would provide the information to JLE himself just by lurking here as we know he is doing.