Can anyone please tell me why Lloyd's head and face is so fat? His body isn't nearly as fat as his face and head would have you believe. What's up with that? Not that his body is any great shakes either, but compared to his face ...
Starruby? Really? Judge him by his actions, not by what his machine looks like!
A few actions that really concern me about his character
Outing PIMO's
Doxxing People
Bullying People Online
Phoning Tom's (JWFairytale's) Mother and threatening physical harm
Personifying a moral xjw, good upstanding "family man" whilst simulataneously cheating on his sweet wife, with "ladies of the night" in a country that is the capital of human s3x trafficking and child s3x traffing!
^^^ That's my list. Being obese is not on my list!