Personally I really don't see the reason why some people obsess over this. I think its a battle of the egos. As with anything if you don't like what he does don't watch. IMO he got too big for his pants and he makes horrible decisions. But his personal life is none of my business. I did like his monthly discussion the GB videos. But its so boring to me all this Evens did this or that and nanana boo boo. But that is me.
Well done. It seems that James Lloyd Evans and Tibor have upvoted your comment. Just like your last comment as well on this thread and 11 downvotes. Do you understand we don't like James Lloyd Evans on this forum? There are many reasons and if you just take the time to read through this thread particularly you will know why but let me save you the time, shall I?
A list of all the things that JLE has done to people since being thrown out of Watchtower FOR DEFINITE:
Scamming people
Lying to people
Manipulating People
Stealing (Copyright)
Bullying people
Silencing people
More recently - cheating on his wife with prozzy's, in a country where it is ILLEGAL
Dangling his kids in front of everyone for sympathy!
Oh wait there's more? Looks like a rap sheet about Watchtower actually - but we shall carry on.
ALLEGED and I do stress ALLEGED
CSA perpetuated on a 14 year old in the country of Wales and escaped judgement when he ran to Croatia!
Now is that someone who you want to be associated with? I don't want to be associated with Watchtower based on many of the reason listed above and neither do I wish to be associated with James Lloyd Evans.
You joined 14 days ago. Something suss about that!