Diogenester Second: It is strange Dijana hasn't come out and completely denied these messages are false. I don't mean a patreon post, that could be him ... I mean if the whole thing is fake you'd think she'd be on video by now utterly repudiating the whole thing. This makes me think it's true....Whilst I would love to see that personally, how would we know she was not saying it under duress? Coercive control which she might be a vicitm to?
I often wondered why my mother stood by my abusive father. Put simply, he is a narcissistic abuser, would promise to change his ways. I seen otherwise though. I watched as he promised to change and mask fell so many times. Trauma bonds are real and JLE if you're reading, maybe you should go and look up the term flying monkeys and find out what that means. Put simply, they do the biddling of the narcissist either willingly, or unwillingly.
I see many of the evan's gate followers on his twitter attacking those who are giving out reasonable responses to his whiney behaviour. Sad that they continue in a cult mindset, not questioning, not reasoning and totally giving adulation to this man who has admitted to committing the crime of buying prostitutes in the country he resides in, possibly in the country he went to where he had "edibles" which is street slang in the UK for illicit drugs.
Piece it all together folks and stop giving him the adulation that neither he, nor Watchtower Babble and Crap Society, deserves!
I really hope his wife and girls are safe because right now, he looks like a guy who is totally unhinged with his fake legal team and the reason I say fake is because they would be telling him to stfu! He's incriminating himself with every tweet, patreon post etc.