James Lloyd Evans - I know you are lurking here and I know you are reading our comments. So I'm going to challenge you on this.
As a CSA survivor and as a mother of two children who have Autistic Spectrum Differences, I find this particular tweet to be appalling.
Everything was fine up to 'apart from laying bare how deeply insecure and socially r3tarded you are'
I'm reading between the lines here. The word "r3tard" means to be slow at something based on what quack decided was in the confines of "normal" and you sir have just insulted the entire autistic community by suggesting that those who are "socially r3tarded" such as autistic people, sexually assault people.
Autistic people do not sexually assault people Lloyd, neither do insecure people! People with inflated ego's do!
You have offended every single person who is autistic. You have insulted disabled people. You have insulted my children! Autistic people are more likely to be victims of sexual assault because they can't read facial expressions. And I'm sure if I am not mistaken, Telltale is Autistic - therefore, Lloyd has insulted him as well!!!