I live in pittsburgh. I think new york would be another good spot.
JoinedPosts by enigma1863
2014 Event
by enigma1863 ini know its a year away but i wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. it would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all exjws.
i am nowhere near capable of putting this together but i'd like to propose the largest assembly of exjws ever on october 1st 2014. can it be done?
am i the first to bring this up?
2014 Event
by enigma1863 ini know its a year away but i wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. it would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all exjws.
i am nowhere near capable of putting this together but i'd like to propose the largest assembly of exjws ever on october 1st 2014. can it be done?
am i the first to bring this up?
I know its a year away but I wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. It would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all ExJWs. I am nowhere near capable of putting this together but I'd like to propose the largest assembly of ExJWs ever on October 1st 2014. Can it be done? Am I the first to bring this up? Is someone already in the process of doing something similar?
Thanks for your responses
Awake February 2013: Where do they find these people?
by bats in the belfry inprofessor massimo tistarelli:.
"my sister gave me a copy of the book life - how did it get here?
by evolution or by creation?
Im working on my reply. I want to mention that theory of gravity gravity doesnt have to explain the origin of the universe, cell theory doesnt have to explain where cells came from and the atomic theory doesnt need to explain how atoms were made.
Awake February 2013: Where do they find these people?
by bats in the belfry inprofessor massimo tistarelli:.
"my sister gave me a copy of the book life - how did it get here?
by evolution or by creation?
I got an email back from him today this is what he said:
Dear Mr ,
thank you for your mail dated February 6th 2013. As I understand your question, you want to know what is
my professional activity and what convinced me that life was created.
I’m a researcher and full professor in Computer Science. My main research field is Computer Vision,
targeting several application domains. For this reason I’ve been working for many years on visual sensing
for mobile and humanized robots. For example, I designed artificial systems, based on cameras and
computing devices, to allow an autonomous vehicle to visually find a path to follow or for a robot arm to
visually manipulate objects. I know it may be hard to understand exactly, but it is mainly the same research
performed at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, where I know some people well.
Concerning your second question, there are many publications speculating on the origin of life. The truth is
that no scientist today has a clear understanding of how life originated and how it happens that so many life
forms came into existence on the earth. The theory of “random events” is not supported by any evidence.
Even the “law of large numbers” can not cope with the extremely low probability (1 over millions of
billions) that the elementary bricks of life, such as enzymes, proteins and RNA, were casually self-assembled
over a extremely long period of time. This without considering the additional problem of how these “bricks”
could then be self-combined, again, to produce a life form. The final conditional probability is so low that is
statistically impossible.
It is true that there is an overwhelming fossil evidence. What is mostly obscured is the kind of evidence
coming from the fossil remains themselves. For example, if you consider the reconstruction of ancient men
bodies, often proposed in the literature, most of the time it is based only on a few bone pieces 1 . The way you
complete the “missing information” is somehow arbitrary and conditioned by any preconception of the
archeologist. In mathematics this problem is called “interpolation”. If you have a number of random points
on a Cartesian plane and you want to fit a line passing through the points, you need to find a proper
interpolating function. The choice of the function, a Spline, a polynomial of some order or any other kind,
strongly affects the final shape of the line. The less points you have, the more the shape is influenced by the
choice of the interpolating function. This is what happens with the fossil remains: most of the time they are
too few or too scattered to be able to properly reconstruct a body. After this, telling if a body belongs to an
ancient ape or a human being is another story…
You are right that the origin of life and the theory of evolution are two different fields. Yet, these are the two
issues to be considered whenever you face the problem of how life come into existence. Therefore, even
being different fields of science, there is a strong relation between the two. To better clarify, the meaning of
the term "life" in the statement "life originated by means of evolutions", is the differentiation of life as we
can appreciate it now, with the complexity of organisms living in our planet. The statement was not referring
to the beginning of life itself. Of course, a brief interview article can just report a general idea rather than a
detailed discussion on these matters.
In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verse 12, the Bible tells that “To the making of many books there is
no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh”. So, there are so many books reporting
contradictory theories. Personally, I found two books edited by Jehovah’s Witnesses very interesting and
accurate: “Life: How did it get here? By evolution or by creation?” and “Is there a Creator who cares about
you”. You can ask for a copy to the local congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I thank you again for the opportunity to "talk" to you on this fascinating subject. I don't know what is your
religious stand, but I hope you will have a chance, as I had, to carefully consider the evidence of an
intelligent Creator in the universe and to get to know him better through a study of His book, the Bible.
With best regards,
Massimo Tistarelli
1 see for example, Science and Justice , Vol. 43, No. 4, (2003) section, Forensic Anthropology, “Anthropological Facial
‘Reconstruction’— Recognizing the Fallacies, ‘Unembracing’ the Errors, and Realizing Method Limits,” by C. N.
Stephan, p. 195. Acta Biologica Szegediensis , Volume 46(1-2), “New Findings—New Problems in Classification of
Hominids,” by Gyula Gyenis, 2002, pp. 57, 59.
He also attached the Origin of Life brochure in the email.
Watchtower Birthday Logic
by enigma1863 inthe watchtower bases their opposition to birthdays by two scriptures, saying something bad happened and god must have put it in there for a reason.
following their logic are there any other things jws shouldnt do because bad things happened in a couple of scriptures?.
The Watchtower bases their opposition to birthdays by two scriptures, saying something bad happened and god must have put it in there for a reason. Following their logic are there any other things JWs shouldn’t do because bad things happened in a couple of scriptures?
Most Creative Exit
by enigma1863 ini was wondering what has been the most creative/dramatic way ex jws have left the religion.
has anyone ever faked their own death to start over?.
I was wondering what has been the most creative/dramatic way ex JWs have left the religion. Has anyone ever faked their own death to start over?
Any Ex-JWs in Pittsburgh want to meet?
by enigma1863 inhey i'm just curious if there are any ex dubs in pittsburgh and if theyd like to meet up sometime.
i have tried to communicate some former jws that i personally know before but most of them dont respond.
i am currently technically inactive staying low under the radar trying the gurilla tactic..
oh really? what congregations did you go to?
Any Ex-JWs in Pittsburgh want to meet?
by enigma1863 inhey i'm just curious if there are any ex dubs in pittsburgh and if theyd like to meet up sometime.
i have tried to communicate some former jws that i personally know before but most of them dont respond.
i am currently technically inactive staying low under the radar trying the gurilla tactic..
I have met several exJWs so far none from here though.
Ex JW Blog Post
by enigma1863 inhttp://apocalisha.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/losing.html.
my friends blogpost.
she could use some support.
Thank you. It was a very tastefull comment.
Redistributing Magazines
by enigma1863 ini received some magazines from some witnesses and want to redistribute them with some kind of jw facts inserts.
any suggestions?.
I could imagine active JWs giving out magazines with those labels inside the magazines.