I'm not a country OR a city person. More like a TOWN person! You have them in the US of A, don't you?
i just came back from montreal, and let me tell you the traffic is horrible.
a city of 3.4 million is big.
i rather live in a smaller town like where i live, with not much stress compared to a big city.
I'm not a country OR a city person. More like a TOWN person! You have them in the US of A, don't you?
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
Spanner (to LittleToe):
So essentially what you are saying is that you must be "born again" to become a Christian, which leads to an eternal existence with God?No, if you read LT's last post, he's perfectly willing to cut the "Christian" middleman out altogether, if that's the way it happens to *you*.
HA! See Littletoe's reply, viz:
So essentially what you are saying is that you must be "born again" to become a Christian, which leads to an eternal existence with God?
That much I'll concede overtly, and would heartily recommend it to you as something to seek.
NO! Littletoe, you have NOT answered my questions!!! Answer this:
So essentially what you are saying is that you must be "born again" to become a Christian, which leads to an eternal existence with God?
SO, correct me if I am wrong, "born again" Christians are the only "true" Christians, and the only Christians (and indeed people, period), who will gain this "eternal life" and ALL other Christians/people will become "manure", as you put it?
Still waiting for a reply to my questions...?
I posted that OVER THREE HOURS AGO!!!
You know, if you have time constraints, a quick "yes" or "no" will suffice!
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
I've already answered you. You either don't know it yet, else are being deliberately obtuse
You haven't answered my questions, and you know it!
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
This is an extremely common misunderstanding. Born again is not a denomination or a religion
I didn't say it was!
Can I be blunt? Will you answer this, please?
SO, correct me if I am wrong, "born again" Christians are the only "true" Christians, and the only Christians (and indeed people, period), who will gain this "eternal life" and ALL other Christians/people will become "manure", as you put it?
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
Now I never said that, did I?
Well, maybe not absolutely verbatim, but then again, you may notice that I qualified my statement by saying:
So essentially what you are saying
You see, I just put your various points together to come to that conclusion, viz:
IMHO All Christians are born again, and only those who are born again are Christians
It's about "grace", not "works" (Ephesians 2).
[I.E: Esp. 2:8 "for it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith -and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God." (NIV, emphasis mine)].
IMHO the Christian path involves being "born again", which is a "connection with God".
Jesus tells us that without this we cannot see, or enter, the kindgom of God (John 3)
Saved from the proposition of dying and our bodies merely becoming manure, and should we have an eternal spirit, a spirit that continues unconnected to "God".
an eternal connection with "God".
Being "born again" is the making of that connection
In the light of the above statements, do you see the rationality of my previous post, and the (still) unanswered questions contained therein?
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
So essentially what you are saying is that you must be "born again" to become a Christian, which leads to an eternal existence with God?
SO, correct me if I am wrong, "born again" Christians are the only "true" Christians, and the only Christians (and indeed people, period), who will gain this "eternal life" and ALL other Christians/people will become "manure", as you put it?
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your explanation as to the Bible's teaching that to "see" the kingdom of God, one needs to be "born again", and that through "faith", (a free gift from God), one will be "saved".
What has been left unanswered is this: "saved" from what?
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
I never discussed salvation, only being "born again",
I was responding to this, when you said:
It's about "grace", not "works" (Ephesians 2). John 3 is the conversation with Nicodemas, where the necessity of being born again is discussed.
You quoted from Esp. 2, which reads:
Esp. 2:8 "for it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith -and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God." (NIV, emphasis mine).
And you also said:
IMHO All Christians are born again, and only those who are born again are Christians.
So, putting this all together, my original questions are still valid:
Are you saying that one needs to be "born "again" to be a Chistian, and vice-versa?
...This leads that person to be "saved"?
...Saved from what?
I am not trying to pick a fight with you, LT, these are legitimate questions.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
Spanner, if a man has no legs does he bum around?
Well, I suppose you could take this theme to its logical conclusion and say that a man with no legs, arms, head. neck, chest nor abdomen would be called a bum!
as i'm having some serious differences with some friends about the born again attitude i would like to get some information on their origins, practices and what they actually believe help me somone please .
Hi, Littletoe. So if you are not "born again", then you can't be a Christian, and vice-versa?
And if one is not a Christian, then one will not be saved?
From what?