In the past there was a yearly item in the KM (can't be bothered to look up a reference right now TBH) that reviewed highlights of the yearly report in the YB. I think this item replaces this previous ones based on the YB.
TBH most of these things are the same shite different toilet. The CLAM is essentially the same as the old school and service meeting, just packaged with videos. There's still student talks, demos, discussion of the group book.
The WTS still intends publishing figures. Whilst it remains to be seen if there is a change in the format I suspect that there won't be anything of significance. Most people ignore the detail and look at the big numbers. There has been evidence of a downward trend in the efficacy of ministry for YEARS yet few even realise it let alone care. The WTS banks on the wilful ignorance of the masses and I see no reason for that to change.
At the end of the day, the WTS NEEDS the figures to be published. It likes the headline numbers. It's a reason for reporting. Their usefulness for propaganda outweighs the risks posed by analysis by those critical of the WTS.
I also think that some opposed to the WTS are a little overconfident about how much the WTS really cares about what is said here, on Reddit and the internet in general. Whilst they do take action about certain things they tend to ignore or, at worst, demonise opposition. Rather like the Germans in WWII who were so confident that their Enigma cipher machine was unbreakable they made the rookie mistake of using the equivalent of an "admin/admin" password combination as an encryption marker, the WTS assumes that very few people will actually look at what apostates have to say. I think they ignore the risks posed by cash grabs, annual report analysis, logical assessment of doctrines and policies and so on. The cost to the org is simply not sufficient for them to completely change habits of a lifetime.