BILLY: That is one of the funniest things i've ever seen! thank you! It is truly mentally diseased to use Grover as an apostate tool though. HAHAHAHA.
JoinedPosts by Fed-up
Caleb is back! in The Case of the Almost Stolen Lollipop
by sd-7 ini just happened to wander past my stepdaughter as she was watching some jw videos this morning before school, and i noticed a 'lesson 4' video, about not stealing.
hopefully it's youtube'd already and someone will post a link, i can't do it at the moment.. the plot is simple.
caleb's in the grocery store, and his mom just tells him [off-camera] 'no candy today.
JWs Lack of Love and Feelings
by jemba ini have noticed the extreme lack of love in this group of people who preach love, love, love.. we recently had serious floods come through our area and the jws couldnt have cared less.
our 'worldly' friends did sooo much for us though.
raising money, giving gifts, cards, accomodation and so much support and hard work.. i personally think jws are one of the most insensitive, uncaring religions around.. three religious groups were absolutely wonderful during the flooding of our area.
thats what happens when you're told how to feel and what to think for so long.
Is the new King of the North rising? Will the GB spin this event in their favor?
by suavojr inwill the current gb of jw's be bold enogh to identify n. korea as the new king of north?
the wt let this important component of their prophecies vanish.. .
LostGeneration said: " They don't have the balls to climb out on a limb anymore. Been burned way too many times before.
Wasn't there a stupid quote recently where they said something like "Bible prophecy is sometimes only clear after it has been fulfilled"
WTF? Thanks for that."
HAHAHAHAHA! I think that was in the Daniel Book. I remember thinking "is that a way of saying hind sight is 20/20"?
Perhaps one needs to be inspired or spirit directed to see something clearly that has already happened. Sheesh.
PO refuses to give me a "shepherding" visit ... wtf ???
by Calebs Airplane inso 2 weeks ago i received an email from the po... he wants to give my wife and i a shepherding call very soon... but get this... he mentioned that they had already made shepherding calls to the entire congo and we were the only ones left... i don't know whether i'm i supposed to feel loved or despised (by that completely irrelevant comment).
he's probably doing this to impress the co who is probably visiting soon.... my response to his email was basically: no problem... please feel free to stop by anytime... however, no need to come with a second person.
i would prefer a 1 on 1 meeting (not 2 on 1).
" disfellowshipping offense"
I love this term...its so stupid.
"...the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones." -Ecc 7:9
Can You Make A Image Of The Governing Body Riding "The Wild Beast" UN?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhow would someone photoshop the governing body riding the wild beast from the revelation climax book?
i will print and pass out hundreds if i can get a good photo of this.
let's preach "religion is a snare and a racket" .
and PLEASE mention the blurb from whatever the article or yearbook was where the GB went to Cuba AND SIGNED BIBLES....give me a break. This is the dumbest they have ever done. and there have been some dumb things!
James 2:26 - "faith without works is dead"
by leaving_quietly ini was contemplating this verse this morning... what did james mean by "works"?
and it hit me like a bolt of lightning.. now, wts would have us believe these "works" are preaching and meetings.
however, could that be what james was referring to?
This scripture seemes to be mis applied often. It ought to read:
"Faith without FEAR is dead..."
seems more accurate.
Positive Speech - Watchtower Experimenting With the Law of Attraction?
by jw07 in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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Honesty, I think the Law of Attraction is the ONLY thing that can account for the WT success over the years. Two things looking for each other will always find each other.
The BRAND is what sells JW's and the alternate lifestyle
by Terry injehovah's witnesses don't have a message.
they have an alternate lifestyle.. for persons put off by teachings of eternal torment they offer eternal sleep or a paradise earth.. for christians disaffected by tepid sermons and rituals they offer a vital lifesaving field service ministry.. in a world saturated in sex and exhibitionism, loud rude music and apathy they offer modesty of dress, cleanliness and worldwide family.. they are seen by the world much the same way as the amish only more modern.. people find their teaching quaint or laughable but think they are sincere and eager for postive change.. .
this is a brand more than a religion.. when the average person looks at jw's they see loyalty.
TRUTH shouldn't need to be marketed.
"THE TRUTH" is going through a "re-branding" right now, like hasn't ever been seen. The Bible carts and simplified magazines are just the tip of the iceberg. Incorporating the website and using it to share the replaced teaching regarding who the F&DS are is huge. Rebranding itself to try to be relevant is BIGGER.
They are trying to sell (the concept) snake oil to a new generation. The difference is that the GB and all thier YES men are technology tourists at best...the geneartion they are trying to snag are technology natives. The ASL masturbation video is a perfect example. Those old men didn't have a clue anyone could do what they did with that video once it was on the interweb.
It will be impossible to keep people from finding apostate information. The FIRST PLACE the new generation goes for their information is google or wikipedia or FB or twitter. They can warn and threat and beg all they want, but it won't matter. Didn't they learn from Blogs and Porn? They warned and threateded and begged and there are JW blogs all over the place and not one person who has not seen some form of porn on their computer. I was completely unaware of "chat rooms" until the CO warned us to stay out of them. HAHAHA. Thanks Terry T.!
Like everything in JW land, they expect everyone to get on board immediately, if not sooner. To switch gears the instant the "cellestial chariot" does and smile the whole time. Give me a break. They are in over their heads. They all thought "the end" would have come by now too. The best part, the new GB was raised by the old GB and they are having a heck of a time reconciling the reality of the age we live in with the illusion they were raised to believe. Just like everyone else. Pulling new teachings out of their...who know's where "overlapping" came from, just to try to find a way to explain why THE END hasn't come.
EVERY JW is trapped living what life is supposed to be, not the reality of what it is. They are definitely NOT the happiest people on earth. The picures in the magazines show the Ideal. The Publishers see the reality daily. The contrast is striking.
Who of you ever lied on your field service reports?
by Julia Orwell ini've read a few people mention making up the figures for the field service reports, and i want to find out how common it is.
i never lied on my report.
sometimes i'd round up 15 minutes if i'd mentioned jw stuff to my brother that month, but that wasn't falsifying.
This is awesome.
A great example of how Pharasaic WT is. They invent the 'law' of reporting time. Then give a bunch of 'guidelines' as to how to do it. Then, because it doesn't make sense in real life, people make up their own ways of doing it. People are getting so tired of this BS
Is Bethel Full Of Governing Body Ass Kissers?
by frankiespeakin inwhen we see the massive layoff of bethel one could naturally ask which ones survived this brutal treatment by the governing body?
i'm sure ass kissers got a more favorable vote by the governing body to stay than the run of the mill hard valuable worker.. while all in the legal team got to stay as they are not required to kiss the governing body's ass(as much) but save it from lawsuits they are faced with.. what say you?
this a partial part of my opinion.. i wonder how much ass kissing, or ego stroking actually goes on once one becomes a member of the gb, i'm sure the ones the governing body keeps closest to them are their best ass kissers it goes along with the narcissistic personality disorder's territory in which he chooses to rome..
The propaganda scripture for the ass kissing is Proverbs 22:29, about being stationed before kings if you are skilled in your work. also the one they use show you dont' need education. whatever.