JoinedTopics Started by Sadie5
by Mary in.
i was coming home this evening from some ex-witness friends of mine (after part-y-ing), and i had the windows on my car down, playing one of elvis' tapes..........i was stopped at the stop light and i noticed several people sitting on the street giving me dirty looks and i couldn't figure out why at first.......then it dawned on me: they were waiting to see the canada day parade and i was playing "dixie" on my car cd.........(hehehehehehehehe........) i guess not a smart thing to do........ the parade sucked dead rocks and i was just wondering if it was only in my locale, or if other canadians also experienced a crap-o-rama parade.........seeing as this is the first july 4th party since 9-11, i assume that americans will be going all-out in their display of patriotism (i can't blame em) and i wanted to see what others had to say about their country's celebration.......hell up here, all the stores, malls, everything closes up like a ghost town - nothing's open on canada day............
Aren't week-ends just great?
by Sadie5 innow that you're out of the borg and don't have to get up saturdays to peddle magazines, try to fit in the family watchtower study, get up sunday mornings to rush off to the kingdom hall, do you feel like week-ends are great?
it feels great just to sleep late on one or two of those days if i want to.
i can spend hours on the internet or read a whole newspaper.
Thank you for the support
by Erica ini can't find the words that would express how grateful i am for all the support, not only for all of you to back me on the dateline show but for my trial as well.
i don't think i would have had the courage to go through the trauma if it wasn't for all your prayers and encouragement.
dateline was a huge help for many and i know this because i have recieved quite a few calls, one from a current jdub who wants out for the safety of his 16 month old baby, i was so excited that he lifted the veil and saw it for the pure truth that it was.
JW's Sell Kingdom Hall
by RR ina while back, i told of my wife going by our old kingdom hall and surprised to see an american flag hanging by the window.
i thought this was picture worthy news, and some of you agreed.. well it turns out the congregation sold the hall to a phillipino church.
1. they doing business with babylon.
by buffy inyou can read my bio to find out a little about me.
basically, i need support.
even after two years, i still think.
Erica's case and neutrality
by Sadie5 inwhy were these brothers and sisters who supported the child molester even there, sitting on his side?
what happenned to christian neutrality and not taking sides?
JW on People's Court
by Sadie5 inwatched "the people's court" today.
there was a landlady taking a former tenent to court for breaking the lease.
the tenent complained that the landlady had entered her apartment when she was not there and removed her american flag.
Do you feel like an idiot?Should you?
by sleepy ini was thinking today about all the time i spent on the ministry.. walking down the street with my suit and briefcase ready to defend the truth.. i recalled some of the conversations i had , had.some of the bible studies i conducted, the talks i had given the groups i had taken.. i remmebered the way i defended my faith and belief in jehovah and the jehovahs witness organisation.. how much i must have believed it was the truth.. i spent 3 years as an auxillary pioneer and called on many thousands of people.. yet all along i was wrong.. every time i defened my beliefs i was wrong.. every talk i studied and prepeared long and hard for, i was wrong.. all the things i gave up for the truth i was wrong.. what an idiot.
Hi, I'm new
by Sadie5 ini've been lurking here for some time and decided to take the plunge and jump in.
i was a witness for 16 years, baptized in 1981 when i was in my early 20's.
brought husband, mother and kids in.