JoinedPosts by FadeToBlack
Self-Driving vehicles and delivery robots - why?
by FadeToBlack ini saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
@Vidiot: I don't think robots or AI will be deployed to harvest strawberries for the top 1-10%. That will be left for the illegal immigrants, because as you noted, most entitled americans will feel it beneath them. What the bottom 90% will be doing in the future is the big question. It seems like a lot of them (older white males) recently have already decided on a different route (suicide). -
Self-Driving vehicles and delivery robots - why?
by FadeToBlack ini saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
Regarding what Simon mentioned with regard to automation freeing up staff for customer service: that was a selling point we used at a company I worked for that automated order-entry call centers with Voice Recognition. There were 2 components that had to be developed. The interface with the back end system and the front end voice part.
Part of the task developing the system was to interview to current staff that actually took the orders over the phone. Sometimes they were a bit hostile, and rightly so. We used that line - this would free them up to handle more important service related tasks, etc. and this was true to an extent (for those that kept there jobs). But in reality it was viewed by management as a way to reduce head count. They kept the best and the rest were freed up to pursue other opportunities. I felt kind of bad knowing that people were losing their jobs so I could have one.
Self-Driving vehicles and delivery robots - why?
by FadeToBlack ini saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
Thanks for all the thoughts on this matter. I guess my age was showing when I spoke about the American fascination with cars. I realize for most younger people the view has changed. For many it is not even an option as they are still living at home because they can't find a job and have student loans to pay off. But if your are fortunate enough to live in an area with good public transportation, why bother? When we lived in Warsaw for example, our car sat in the driveway 99% of the time.
I agree that with more and more automation the fundamental structure of society will have to change and I think that is why some countries are beggining to toy around with the idea of paying everyone a basic income. To help cover the costs, all forms of welfare would be done away with.
I also had this strange thought that if adjustments are not made to make things a bit more equitable, that the pizza delivery bot will have to be armed or accompanied by an armed security drone. I can just picture a gang of unemployed truck drivers hiding in the bushes waiting for dinner to arrive.
It might also make the roads safer for bicyclists when there are less bad drivers on the road. I live 13km from the nearest grocery store. It is doable by bike, but at the moment, I would not dream of getting on the road with the way people drive around here.
Dan Sydlik
by done4good inmorning warship - he was the only restraint and i'm not saying that lightly.
i know there are a dozen others here who were in bethel back in the early 2000's who know what i'm talking about.
he actually kept me thinking this was jehovah's org because of his sincerity as if the holy spirit was operating in him.
@Dagney: I think the observation about being a 'company man' is true at many levels, not just GB. I've known a lot of elders and CO's over the years that were mostly normal people, most of the time, and could be a lot of fun to be around in a social way. But, if you pressed the wrong button, they could switch in an instant.
I remember one particular occasion where we were having a nice dinner at our best friends house with a few other families. Music, wine, good food. After dinner, I happened to innocently ask about why CA's cost so much at a hall we built and paid for. Talk about hitting a raw nerve.
Editing thread title question
by FadeToBlack ini thought i was saved when i noticed that i could edit my thread title (vechicle to vehicle) but the change only showed up once the thread was selected.
not on the main thread list.
is that just the way it is at the moment?.
I thought I was saved when I noticed that I could edit my thread title (vechicle to vehicle) but the change only showed up once the thread was selected. Not on the main thread list. Is that just the way it is at the moment?
Never mind. I just wasn't patient enough. Nice to know that this is available.
Self-Driving vehicles and delivery robots - why?
by FadeToBlack ini saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
I saw a 'news' article today about Pizza hut (I think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in NZ. Also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when. My immediate thought was, why? Unemployment is already a major issue in much of the developed world and in the future such jobs as truck divers, taxi cab drivers, delivery staff will also be looking for work? So much for your temp gig with Uber.
It also seemed strange that in the land of the 65 Mustang this idea could actually gain traction. I realize for the business owners, it is great idea (don't need to deal with pesky employees always asking for a raise and benefits), but what is the point for the average joe/Jane? You can watch movies during your daily commute? What am I missing? Or is this just 'progress'?
Dan Sydlik
by done4good inmorning warship - he was the only restraint and i'm not saying that lightly.
i know there are a dozen others here who were in bethel back in the early 2000's who know what i'm talking about.
he actually kept me thinking this was jehovah's org because of his sincerity as if the holy spirit was operating in him.
I remember meeting Dan at a convention in Roanoake Va many years ago. He was approachable, friendly and genuine. I was impressed that he spent all his free time with the regular folks instead of sequestering himself away in the VIP suite. Made an impression on me. -
if you had the slightest of doubt about leaving leaving the watchtower org. go to to jwsurvey.org NOW!
by nowwhat? inand we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
Well, they are boasting about it at jw.org in the 'Newsroom' section. I wonder how long it will stay up? -
Would you have married your spouse if you weren't both JWs?
by 3rdgen inok, i've had some wine, but i'm curious.
objectively speaking, but for the religion, did you have enough in common with your spouse to have met and married as non believers?
I would not have met her if we weren't JW's. If we had met as non-JW's, there might have been some physical attraction, but I doubt she would marry me. Looking back, just being JW's and needing a partner, was not a good basis for a marriage. We were both single parents and I thought it would be a win-win. Was I ever wrong!
What is the guy in the 3rd panel doing/checking? Perhap deleting links to hard-core, raunchy, porn? He seems happy...