Couple of observations:
First: the guy is not a good speaker (or even reader) although he probably thinks that he is. What makes it worse is that he sounds like he is actually enjoying himself (as in: I am so clever and witty! He said - this has not been the most warm and fuzzy talk of the convention; really?).
Second: loved the point he made at 4:04 - Our relationship (with JHVH) is between us and JHVH alone. Again, really? I thought we couldn't have a relationship with JHVH apart from his appointed channel (GB). It seems to me they have inserted themselves into the equation.
Third: is every talk from now on just going to be some eager beaver reading from a bullet list of 3 things to do, 3 things not to do? It seemd like every talk on the convention at the DC was written by someone who just discovered PowerPoint. No sentences with more than 10 words. Maybe they should just print out the outlines to save the poor people taking notes some ink.
Might try to get the wife to watch it (if I feel brave) as this is one of the few areas regarding WT doctrine where I know she isn't totally on board.