Thanks for mentioning the 'hourglass' program AverageJoe1. That was an interesting rabbithole to followup on. It seems that there all kinds of JW apps available. Who would have thought it possible?
JoinedPosts by FadeToBlack
Impact of GDPR on WT HQ and EU branches?
by respectful_observer incurious if any of our eu-based members (especially those still in) have heard anything from official wt channels on how the organisation plans to be in compliance with gdpr ("general data protection regulations") by may 2018?
it's my understanding that religious organisations must comply, and that religious data is treated a "protected" and therefore subject to some enhance requirements.. specifically, how will they comply with the following requirements:.
you must disclose to the individual: what data you collect on them, why, and what you do with the data (including what other parties receive the data and what they do with it).
A Question of Adultery
by snugglebunny inquestion: if a jw married lady is accused of adultery and a judicial committee is formed to investigate the matter, is the lady's jw husband also invited to attend as the possibly injured party?.
Not only was I not invited to any JC related meetings regarding my first wife's involvement with an elder from bethel, I was 'encouraged' not to even attend the meeting where the reprovals were announced. Did they think I would go postal at the KH? They probably figured I was the quiet type and you have to be careful. TBH, I probably would not have gone anyway, just too bizarre. So I stayed at home with the children that night.
So, I went to the memorial service of a man I have known since childhood...
by Captain Schmideo2 ini have been on a fade for years, so this is the first time i have been in a kh for months.the deceased was barely 52 when he died.
from cancer.
one year younger than me.the memorial was the standard "read the obituary column word for word, then do the jw commercial for 25 minutes" plus a new twist (to me), they played a video called "around the corner"
I'm wondering if the video is going to become a regular part of the outine or if it was just a one-off. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Thank you, George Couch!
by charonsdog ini just thought i'd share this story from my past.. back in the 80s i remember the big problem seemed to be about music.
(today, it's tight pants, i guess) the organization, society, whatever they were calling themselves, were always going on about the music we listened to.
disco, heavy metal, the whole "backwards masking" thing...couldn't escape hearing or reading about how satan was corrupting us unless we were listening to kingdom melodies or elevator music.. i was assigned to wtf in the late 80s and remember one of the articles stating that "young people know that the rhythm of rock music is the rhythm of sexual intercourse.
It has always been this way, not just with WT goobs. Dancing is the pathway to illicit sex. From the liner notes of 'Celtic Wedding' by the Chieftains regarding song # 8 - Jabadaw: This dance from Breton Cornwall was once part of a suite of four dances. The clergy, who could see in it the opportunity for debauchery led by Satan himself, was opposed to it, and though it was considered the national dance above all else, it disappeared from the suite around 1890-1900.
Sad. Such a lovely tune.
Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History
by pseudoxristos ini found the following article to be a nice contrast to the jw's gloomy point of view.. why 2017 was the best year in human history.
we all know that the world is going to hell.
given the rising risk of nuclear war with north korea, the paralysis in congress, warfare in yemen and syria, atrocities in myanmar and a president who may be going cuckoo, you might think 2017 was the worst year ever.. but you’d be wrong.
Yes, I feel so much better now that I have $3/day to live off. Thank you Mr Bezos for letting some trickle down. Hey, who knows. If I survive, next year it might be $4/day. For an alternative view:
Sorry. Linky thing did not cooperate.
Manmade rules
by Jrjw ini was talking to someone a few years ago and he said in his congregation they have a rail of white shirts prepared in the cloakroom for if a speaker doesn't have a white shirt on.
it was a rule in their hall that all brothers in the platform must wear white shirts when going talks and if the speaker won't comply when asked to change into the shirt they provide an elder in the congregation will do the talk instead.
i have never known any other halls do it so it must be a rule the elders have made up without gb input.
As mentioned in an earlier remark, not commenting enough during the WT study was my downfall. I just didn't see the point of repeating exactly what was just read aloud. I was counseled for not being supportive of the arrangement. In other words, not drinking the kool-aid.
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
In light of recent death of Malcom Young of AC/DC I have been watching live coverage of River Plate concert in Argentina (over and over). Great crowd, great rock concert. Check it out even if you don't particluarly like AC/DC. You will appreciate the vibe.
Analysis of 2017 vs 2016 Yearbook reports for Europe
by Splash inso these countries roughly constitute europe.. here's how well they did in 2017 vs 2016:.
2017 peak pubs.
2016 peak pubs.
Not sure what is going on in Poland. I know in last Polish congregation I attended, several familes moved to Scotland. Only growth I see in is English/Foreign language groups. Lots of Poles in English language group also learning/studying other languages. At least here in Warsaw there are enough from other countries (many of them students) to keep them busy with return visits.
Did You Go To Meetings in Very Inclement Weather?
by minimus inliving in new england means having lots of snow and cold.
elders were very reluctant to cancel or reschedule a meeting due to the weather.
i lived 3 towns away from the kingdom hall and if it was icy and treacherous my vote would always be to cancel the meeting....and forget about rescheduling!.
Last place I was at in the US (Frederick MD), meetings were almost always cancelled for a snow forecast. Nobody complained. It was actually a good call since a lot of people had to drive down from the mountains.
COLD today
by wasone init's a cold 13 degrees fahrenheit in tennessee this morning where i live.
glad i'm retired and don't have to work outside today.
what about where you live.
It has been an unusually mild winter here in central Poland. Expecting near 50F this weekend, Not complaining, It was actuall warmer here today than where my mother lives in North Florida.