...give me a break the sun does not rise and set to people thinking about JW's.
LMAO. But they seem to think it does.
This letter is a good example of how they tell you that you can't do something but at the same time tell you that you can:
A well-trimmed beard in itself would not preclude one from be-ing in the Theocratic Ministry School, sharing in the ministry, or being baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nor should a Chris-tian be shunned simply for wearing a beard since this is not con-sidered as being disorderly in one's conduct...ALSO...At the same time, on matters of grooming, we do agree that this should be left to an individual's personal decision
and then they say:
While not condemning a person who chooses a certain style of dress and grooming that does not conflict with Bible principles, when it comes to one being considered for special privileges in the congregation, we feel an obligation to leave this with the local body of elders, who are able to assess better how the matter is viewed locally...ALSO...While a certain style of grooming, such as wearing a beard, does not prevent a person from being valued as one of Jehovah's servants in the Christian congregation, it may have some effect on the extent he can be used for additional privileges, depending on the local sen-timent.
I agree with what Fodeja said as well. It seems that when it comes right down to it...you will shave your beard or you won't be able to do anything.
To be honest, I always felt that their apparrel was intimidating. Someone shows up at your door with a suit on and you're standing there in a pair of cut-off shorts (that were once jeans) and a tank top. Makes you feel kind of small. Perhaps, it's because the church I attended prior to meeting the JWs was extremely lax in their attire. We wore jeans on Sun nite and sometimes shorts to the Youth meetings on Weds. I think they'd do better to show up on people's doorsteps dressed like normal people dress.
If they are so concerned about "not offending" people or "distracting from their message", then they really should consider the fact that "most" people assume that someone who shows up at their door, wearing a suit and tie is most likely a salesman or a JW...and probably won't answer the door .