What president? We don't have a president in my country. Why do people post on this board as if only Americans are listening? Open your eyes, there are other countries in the world. I despair of the US I really do.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
DPRK Asserts that USA has Declared War
by cofty innorth korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
Trump has access to the best informed experts in the world on North Korea and yet he either ignores advisors or he has surrounded himself with "yes-men". - Cofty
Fearmongering about immigration has led to this stupid narcissist being given a hideous level of power. In the UK the same tactics were used to force the government to leave the single market. How did we develop so much xenophobia in the twenty-first century.
Human Origins
by cofty infantastic graphic produced by the smithsonian institute illustrating human origins.
click on any of the group or species labels for more detailed information.. meet your ancestors here....
Fascinating thanks for the link.
FTS thanks for your links too, great thread.
New, but needed to vent- thank you :-)
by Danni Jackson ini discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
Hi and welcome Danni.
the organisation have got me in a corner where I feel powerless to even think about leaving.. now that is some sort of special skill set that is. It in fact is absolutely genius in its manipulation.
You're right it is a fiendish skill set that all mind control cults use to imprison people. How to restart? You've only been baptised a year so probably have a few contacts left outside the religion. Relatives, work colleagues, neighbours. As a matter of urgency renew your friendships with them and make these your support system.
Get your kids involved in other stuff to distract them from their JW friends, days out, art and craft hobbies, sport, pets, whatever they're into. Try and get them more into other kids not in the religion, cousins, school friends, neighbour's kids. Invite them round for tea, sleepovers, have a kid's party.
Start planning your escape. Visit your doctor and get some advice about counselling. Use depression as an excuse to miss meetings because being away from the constant indoctrination will clear your head more than anything.
Keep posting, there are hundreds of brilliant people on here who will have many brilliant ideas to help you. Take care, it's all going to be alright.
Protect Your Family??
by Tech49 inhere is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!
Bible principles. These advise against the use of carnal weapons, such as handguns, rifles, or other firearms, for protection against other humans."
Are we talking about the same book? The one that encouraged the pillaging of Canaanite towns, slaughtering every man, woman, child, babe in arms and domestic animal. They were protecting themselves alright, against these people who dared to trespass in their promised land. Slaughtered the lot of them.
An honest question for those who were "born-in"
by stuckinarut2 injust wanted to ask a question of those who were born in as i was.. how did you feel to have been "privileged to have been born into the only true faith - the truth"?.
did this make you feel confident, or proud - or perhaps arrogant?.
how did you reconcile the fact that 99% of the earth's population was not born "into the truth"?.
Stuck it's quite hard to put myself back into the mindset but I think rather than confident I just felt odd. I say felt, 'rationally' at the time I though it was the truth but feelings often connect you to what's really happening don't they. Not going into assembly at school, sitting in a classroom on my own while they had the Christmas party. Yeah it just felt odd and didn't give me very good social skills.
Later I started pioneering and I just thought I was lucky enough to know the 'truth' and we had to try and spread the word because people's lives depended on it. Yeah sounds weird and pompous now. So probably I was weird and pompous. Sounds about right.
some thing i said..?
by zeb inhas anyone had this experience.
that once some contact is made with others here they never write again?
Do you mean by pm Zeb? Yes I've had people message me just once. Also new ones sometimes post only one time or start one thread. I think possibly they panic, wonder what they've done. It's hard coping with leaving a cult, trying to get their heads round the fact that we're just normal, not demonised apostates.
Make Your Excellent Point to a JW, But- Remember, it's a Mind Control Cult.
by OnTheWayOut inso i am reading from many that they have an excellent thought-stopper for jw's.
(remember reasoning from the scriptures used "thought-stoppers?
)"if you just show them [this scripture or use this logic or expose this problem with the organization], you will shut them down.".
OTWO excellent thread! I often wonder how we're supposed to get these amazing points over to family when they won't even talk about their religion to us. When just the tiniest question will be seen as criticism and shut them down.
I like your point about the ransom couldn't be applied until after the flood. I think I've heard that somewhere, long ago. They've been supplied with an answer for everything, nonsensical though they sound to us.
Everyone's family is different of course and individuals usually know how far they can go with a religious discussion so if you think it's worth a try go ahead I would say.
Sparrowdown I like your post very much, just encouraging people to have a break is a good idea. As you say it's difficult if they think the pressure to do more comes from inside the person and not the Borg. Typical blaming the victim approach of course. I hope the compassion you showed her will make her think and take a break, they both sound close to burnout.
lf you could be god would you and why and what would you change?
by atomant innot sure if this question has been asked before but thought it would be interesting to read peoples response..
If I could be God for a day apart from providing a cure for all diseases I would tell people that there's no need for religion. That nobody needs to be worshipped or appeased, that idea's part of humanities' childhood.
That there are no rules except treat other humans with knowledge, compassion and empathy. It's important to use your intelligence and your instincts together so stop ignoring feelings because they're part of your evolution.
Stop worrying about death and live now, to the fullest every day. There is no hell or punishment so just chill and enjoy life. That all bets are off so just wait and see.
Thinking about the end of the Watchtower
by JeffT infirst, a word about the watchtower’s financial position: nobody (outside the watchtower organization) knows.
the wtbs is not required to disclose its finances, and doesn’t.
we can speculate, but that is all we are doing.
I can see people like my siblings thinking the US and UK child abuse court cases, Russian ban, ARC publicity and UK Charity Comission enquiry as persecution and the end is imminent. They might go into a sort of limbo when nothing happens similar to after 1975, but then what.
More depression and health problems I suspect, bodies and minds suffering as the cognitive dissonance becomes more entrenched. I don't expect a lot of suicides but just more illness and ruined lives.