If God is the father, he would definitely know the capacity of his children. Man is capable of solving all the problems on earth, he really wants. Already some parts of earth is like paradise which can be extended to other parts if humans really wants.
I feel you're missing the point here Venus. You seem to have agreed with me that God is impotent in human affairs although you think he is watching us because we are clever children and we'll get it right in the end. The point is he isn't doing anything and as we know how we got here through evolution there is no evidence for his existence.
First constructive change should be this--ban all religions.
Then arrange a panel of experts from all countries to find out ways to avoid all other wastages
So you have left religion behind, we have something in common. Personally I think you need to push yourself one step further and accept that we will eventually find an explanation for 'unexplainable' phenomena, of which there are many, without resort to a supernatural being.
We don't yet have the physics to answer all our questions but resorting to a god of the gaps is a) ignoring all the evidence that he isn't there and b) missing all the fun of finding the real answers to all the amazing things still to be discovered.