By the way, my son pulled through his operation - we are back from hospital now. Thank you for the well wishes. xxx
That's very good news Wake Me 😄
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
By the way, my son pulled through his operation - we are back from hospital now. Thank you for the well wishes. xxx
That's very good news Wake Me 😄
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
Humbled, my daughter uses Kiva micro finance charity and has been lending small amounts since she was a teenager. I support Save the Children and UNICEF with very small amounts every month because it's true small amounts of money go a very long way in developing countries.
Also those charities are part of the DEC that provides relief in natural disasters and war zones. UNICEF do amazing work vaccinating children against preventable diseases. Our tiny amounts given regularly are often an undreamed of sum to a person trying to work their way out of poverty or get medical help for their children.
I believe we have power and we shouldn't give in to the idea it's hopeless. There are seven billion of us after all so in that sense 2RM we can all contribute to ridding the world of poverty but it is complex. Overpopulation, as you mentioned because of the lack of a social structure to finance people in old age.
Religion is a large problem, the Dalits, the untouchables in India are still only able to get menial work - this is God's will apparently! They don't blame people for the caste they are born into according to the Indian guide on my trip there. Really! Corrupt governments that steel all the aid that is donated or insist on bribery for even education. Many, many problems still to be overcome.
...which was kind of her.
i find i like most christians, even mormons, and jw's.. she sent me a leaflet, which asks: where can we find the answers to life's big questions?
I will have a look at that book 2RM thanks.
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
Wake me, wishing you all the best for your son's operation. Take care, both of you.
...which was kind of her.
i find i like most christians, even mormons, and jw's.. she sent me a leaflet, which asks: where can we find the answers to life's big questions?
I like the big questions too 2RM. I'm still trying to find personal meaning in life. I don't think there's a universal meaning, but I am prepared and happy to be wrong.
Plato was the first philosopher I read while still a JW. It fascinated me that 500ish years BC people were asking what makes a just man, a good person.
That's also my favourite quote from Lewis Caroll.
Do please stick around and continue your fascinating thoughts.
i know we often talk of the mind control and how jw's believe what they are taught because they are controlled as to the information they receive, but i think the mind control goes frighteningly beyond simply keeping information away from them.. the jw mind is in lockdown.
it simply cannot accept facts, evidence, reasoning or whatever that goes against what they believe.
they cannot assimilate and consider an argument, it is not that they are being awkward, or willfully blind, their minds are so shut down they are incapable of taking in what is being presented.. i am aware of how, in common with other cults and high control groups the j.w org achieves this state among its members, but how on earth do we open such a solidly closed mind ?.
The tendency to describe unloviing actions by elders as imperfection is totally cult mind control. The organization introduced the phrase and concept of God working through imperfect men so that when they get the predictions wrong the cult survives.
The JWs who continue to believe in 'imperfections' after decades of abuse by untrained clergy are just terrified of the domino effect of the thought that if people are acting in an unjust, unchristian way perhaps it means they are not appointed by Holy Spirit after all. If that's true then perhaps this isn't the true religion and if that's the case my whole life has been a waste of time, I'm going to die, no paradise is coming, I don't even have a pension ......
Only when the pain of being in the organization controlled by leaders that don't care whether you live or die becomes more unbearable than the pain of no panda paradise can facts begin to be absorbed. It's human to opt for the least amount of pain.
i know we often talk of the mind control and how jw's believe what they are taught because they are controlled as to the information they receive, but i think the mind control goes frighteningly beyond simply keeping information away from them.. the jw mind is in lockdown.
it simply cannot accept facts, evidence, reasoning or whatever that goes against what they believe.
they cannot assimilate and consider an argument, it is not that they are being awkward, or willfully blind, their minds are so shut down they are incapable of taking in what is being presented.. i am aware of how, in common with other cults and high control groups the j.w org achieves this state among its members, but how on earth do we open such a solidly closed mind ?.
I think we need to focus on emotions in this situation. People often say they were hurt by the unjust treatment they received in JCs or at the hand of elders when they were going through tough personal issues.
Trying to convince people the JW teachings are wrong doesn't seem to get anywhere when the mind control has caused brain lockdown. Trying to focus on the sadness, injustice, hurt feelings might get better results. Questions like, do you think that was a Christian/ loving thing to do or say to you?
some people are of the opinion that it doesn't make any sense to be proud of one's nationality because we had nothing to do with where we were born.
the decision wasn't ours.
they opine that it's ludicrous to be proud of our countries' prior achievements if we had no part in those achievements because we weren't even around then.
It's true that not until the Parliamentary Reform Act of 1867 did skilled working men with an income of at least ten pounds a year get the right to vote. Before that it was only professional men and the nobility that could vote. You still had to be a man though.
The Ballot Act in the 1870's meant that it was a secret ballot and nobody had the right to pressure tenant farmers to vote for a particular candidate who was often their landlord. They couldn't therefore be thrown off their land for not voting for him which was the kind of corruption that happened before. This meant farmers could now vote freely. It was a gradual process and yet still not all men could vote, but of those who could, they did have to be men. They couldn't be skilled seamstresses or women farmers.
some people are of the opinion that it doesn't make any sense to be proud of one's nationality because we had nothing to do with where we were born.
the decision wasn't ours.
they opine that it's ludicrous to be proud of our countries' prior achievements if we had no part in those achievements because we weren't even around then.
I'm proud women got the right to vote here in1918, yes I know some women over 30. At the end of the film Suffragette after the credits it lists the countries that gave women the vote after 1918 including the US (1920). It's a very long list. I remember that in Switzerland where my mother-in-law is from, some cantons didn't give women the vote until the 1970s!
I love this country, the scenery is so varied, mountains, lakes, rivers, coastline. It's down to being manicured by people, it's not at all natural any more. I just wish we had more ancient forests left in England.
A hundred years ago people were living in back to back terraces in the cities with one toilet between twenty-five houses. Now people think they're hard done by if they don't have at least two bathrooms. London was a filthy, smog filled disease filled rat trap and now it's one of the biggest tourist cities in the world. After seeing the slums of Delhi and the shanty towns of Jaipur I know how rich this country is although people here don't believe it.
I love it here, I even love the weather. I saw a Facebook site where Americans were saying they wished they were in the UK for the English Spring, I was amazed. Ex-pats also wishing they could return for the Spring weather.
the 25th april is the day australia and new zealand remember their war dead.. on the 25th april 1915 troops from many nations including australian and new zealanders landed on the shores of turkey.
the anzac forces at a place called gallipoli or galliboli by the turkish people.. the concept was to land move inland attack constantinople and there by force turkey out of the war (1914-1918) and bring it too a swift end.
the whole operation was a monumental stuff up with the anzacs being landed in the wrong place up against steep cliffs.
Interesting thanks Zeb. As usual the generals back home safe in their ivory towers stuff up and people die on the battlefield