Malaria and Dengue fever devastate families in developing countries. But anyway, thanks God for all the pretty flowers and kitty cats, you must really love us.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
by DATA-DOG ini’m watching a discovery movie about the mosquito.
scientists tell us that mosquitos are the most dangerous creature on earth.
nothing kills more than the mosquito.
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
You dare to talk about peer-reviewed science and then say this important subject hinges on the experiments of a magician!
Anyone watching the handmaids tail?
by blownaway ini thought this was all about the 18th century.
but its current or just post current times.
I enjoyed the first series because it was quite faithfull to the book. It ended as she escapes, also faithfull to the book. I assumed the second series would be about what happened next but it's just more of the same. I don't want to watch it.
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
My research has convinced me there is. If you start demanding proof I quote Cofty when he talks about evolution and says stop being lazy, read some books.
Governing Body trying to control marital relationships
by Whynot in4 years ago during the circuit overseers visit he asked a rather innapropriate question from the platform.
i say it's innapropriate because i think it's wrong to tell happy married couples how to love each other and much more wrong it is to tell them they should love their children less.. he said: "mothers, who should you love more your children or your husband?
" i think most mothers will quickly say you should love your children more.
To the JWs children are pioneer and bethel fodder and if they decide to leave becasue they don't believe it parents have to act as if they died. Happiest families in the world, not!
News from Court in Europe
by asp59 in.
basically the same as prohibiting house to house preaching?.’s-witnesses-illegally-gather-personal-data-455622.
Interesting, this could affect all European JWs.
Strange conundrum
by doubtfull1799 ini just had a thought inspired by @newboy's recent post:.
why is it that despite the watchtower corporation being arguably the biggest publishing house in history, having produced billions of tracts, brochures, magazines, books for o very 100 years, and having the largest army of volunteer publicity agents on the planet, that 99% of the population is still clueless as to what their message is all about?.
if you ask random people what jw's beleive you will rarely get the so-called "good news": gods kingdom is going to soon usher in a paradise earth and fix all the worlds problems under the 1000 year reign of christ.. you will instead get: "they're the people who... 1. don't celebrate christmas or birthdays, 2. don't take blood, 3. go around with the watchtower, 4. have big assemblies... etc etc".
you will rarely get the so-called "good news": Gods kingdom is going to soon usher in a paradise earth and fix all the worlds problems under the 1000 year reign of Christ
Yeah this frustrated me for years that people see the JWs as harmless, nicely dressed people who knock at the door. When I tell them JWs actually believe Jesus is going to rule the world and they're never going to die they wonder why I didn't leave sooner!
I think many of them are embarrassed to tell people the crazy beliefs and the public don't read the literature they give them so they don't know what they believe. That's why the JWs like cart work so much now, they don't have to actually say anything.
Proof of God
by MrDantastic ini'm an atheist as i do not see any evidence for the existance of a god.
i encourage critical thinking in everyone and am ready to debate anyone on whether or not there is a god and what that god might be like.
Thanks SBF, interesting man.
The transition from Faithful Slave to Governing Body
by john.prestor inwhat i'm about to describe may have some bearing on the question of motives in the organization and the degree to which the governing body or the high-ranking men beneath them are self-aware.
a few months before the organization began teaching that the faithful slave meant the governing body and not the 144,000, so around early 2013, a circuit overseer visited one of the congregations where i was gathering data.
he introduced this teaching subtly in two of his three talks (the extra midweek meeting, the midweek meeting, and the weekend meeting).
Yes I remember many times they would slide a new teaching in covertly like this. Then a few months later there would be comments in the Watchtower or by the CO saying "some brothers have not understood that ............. is the correct understanding of (insert scripture here) now! How sad that our dear brothers are refusing such meaty food from the FDS!"
Then you would be made to feel guilty for not noticing the weird new truth that had been secreted in while you were trying to catch your breath from all the JW commands to do more, more, more.
The biggest news of the year for Mr. and Mrs. Totally ADD
by Still Totally ADD inthis is bigger than christmas and birthdays wrap into one.
thanks to the australian royal commission our youngest son has woke up.
we received a e-mail from him tonight where he apologized to us for shunning us all these years, how bad he felt for doing this.
Welcome former2free! I'm over the moon for you and your parents. On top of that you've no idea how much hope it gives those of us on the forum for our own families. So glad you could make it to the party.